.. It is been a while since I submitted a wallpaper, I know. xD But I actually enjoyed so much while working with this one!^^ The background took some time for me to make (I used three different variations of gradients and a light texture by kaneko). Then I added some more effects around it, played a little with colors, added that image behind and the main render in front.
Dedicated to Solenm Serpent for winning at 'Name that anime day'. Congrats on that and I hope that you like this. :) I tried to use both artists and their works from the ones that you said and this is the product of it. :3
And this is for the challenge Show 'Me Wha'Cha Got, Cardmakers' because lately I mostly a card maker and was usually just giving card prizes at that game, but then I decided to actually go away with my fear of making wallpapers and start doing some more. Glad that my skills are that rusty, even though they need maintenance. X3
~ Thank you everyone for always giving me your support here!! ^_^