SakuraDust (Wallpaper Portfolio) what I think

what I think
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Happy birthday BabyD!
I often wish theO birthday messages sounded more like "In a couple of days -name- will be celebrating their birthday". Regardless, have a great one, make a wish and I'm sure that if it's you it'll come true.


I did this in 5 hours with some breaks so I'm sorry if the vectoring has faults, I didn't rush it, I just didn't nitpick. After I saw the image the ideas went well one after the other, I was in a mood for walling despite having walled almost all day so I enjoyed it.
The windows gave me trouble because they looked empty and I had no idea what to do to them, then it suddenly hit me to express their faces through different elements. 3 windows, 3 girls, the position was coincidentally perfect, I carried out my idea with no problems.
I used tiny dots in the shadowing to erase the possible feeling of emptiness caused by the simple vector.

Hope you like it, I promised at some point that I won't use so many crazy colors...
Forget that XD

Persona Wallpapers
chie satonaka, colors, girls, ice cream, persona 4, rise kujikawa, yukiko amagi
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