Hello dearies :3
I got bored last night as I was home by myself, so I decided to finish this wallpaper. I stared months ago, and then left it to gather dust... This scan was so big and pretty I almost didn't know where to start!
Firstly, I had to get rid of the nasty fold line on the [Original image] there, so that involved lots of smudging, healing, etc, but I think I did ok. Then I added a few overlay gradients, bokeh brushes, and the soft outline. I used a paper texture [again >.< but I like it!] and erased a few areas of it. Then I arranged the text, and added yet another bokeh texture screen, haha. I had to erase parts of it as the colours were just wrong, then duplicate it and flip it upside down so I had it covering the top and bottom of the wallpaper.
Thanks for viewing! ^^