Merry Christmas!
I hope happiness will snow on you along with real snow if possible.
Have a great one everyone!
VivianLove I'm your Secret Santa, I hope you like this, I did my best to make it as you wished.
This wall was complicated to put together, since there are no scans with Juvia and Gray properly together and almost all Fairy Tail scans have all the characters in them, crowded and impossible to wall. I had to crop scans and put them together, I think I went over the Fairy Tail scans gallery about 10 times. Before the couple looked like this I had 3 other arrangement ideas. I didn't like them much so I decided on this one.
The story goes like this: Juvia was waiting for Gray and when he arrived he surprised her by leaning on her back. That's why she looks at him giggling and he has that "look who I bumped into" smile.
I used this picture as lights inspiration (they're also Fran approved) and I may have added a bit too much snow, but honestly, I'm annoyed because I won't have a white Christmas myself, far from it actually unless a miracle occurs, so at least I gave Juvia and Gray a date in snowy streets.
I had about 50 images in this wall's folder, a dozen with Fairy Tail, the rest background elements, here are some of them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
You can find the render at EDD!