MangaKid (Wallpaper Portfolio) All I Need

All I Need
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Hey! Here's my wallie for Ita-chan's Life Marathon II challenge.

Ugh =_= Hardest... wallie... EVER! at least for me! lol and I didn't even do very much in ways of inventing the whole background.
It was just hard since my mind wasn't on wallies but I really wanted to do this idea for the challenge. Right up until the last minute, I kept finding more colourful quality scans that I should of used in the first place so I had to keep layering scans down until I was happy. Counting the pens and hand separately, this wallie has about 8 layers except half of those layers are the same scan, different colours xP Silly me.
And yes, that is my hand xP

Anyway, I chose a pen as one of the most important objects to me. (There were a couple other things I liked, but I couldn't find good scans for 'em).
I love all different art tools, but the pen has got to be the most important. Its the bridge that turns my pencil draft into a comic book page or line art reading to be coloured. There isn't much else I enjoy doing more then inking an artwork. Its so fun getting ideas out on paper and making them come alive... by using only a pen!

Original scan: HERE (this isn't the only one... there were some with annoying lettering on them too =_=)
Pens were from google images. The hand is my own photo.
Text: "All I need it my pen to make my ideas come alive"
Editing: and

I hope you like it, Bonnie! ^_^
View in high resolution for better quality. In my opinion, the only good size is the standard 1600x1200 but I decided to add the other sizes just in case.

PS. And for the record, I'm not left-handed xD

Bakuman Wallpapers
art, bakuman, ItachiSasuke, MangaKid, mashiro moritaka, object, pen, wallpaper
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Member Dedication
[My Life] Wallpaper Marathon III

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