Karmira (Wallpaper Portfolio) Mine Flowers

Mine Flowers
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I am posting this just in time for the Valentines season, though the tail end.

I started this wallpaper a long time ago and set it aside to finish. NOT! I meant to only add some finishing touches, not completely change it. It's a much more complex wallpaper than the original. It became that way because I found a new tool to play with and couldn't stop, hence the colorful garden-like feeling of the wallpaper.

The background is a brush I made for myself.

Although I didn't start it with that intention, the wallpaper can be very meaningful to the story of the manga. The colors of the leaves, spring green, autumn orange and yellows, and then dying, rust red near the demon before the cycle turns conveys the complications in this story. Love is wonderful yet painful; it changes things. In Hana to Akuma, a child adopted by Vivi, a bored demon, refuses to fear him and does her best to get close to him. When she succeeds, Vivi's quiet orderly life is completely turned upside down. I adore this manga to pieces. Read it to find out more.

A demon wilts any flower that it touches but this flower (Hana means flower) won't leave him.

Hana to Akuma by Oto Hisamu.

The title is inspired by a fairy tale by my friend, Dya. Hope you don't mind the dedication, too~

Hana to Akuma Wallpapers
akuma, colorful, crying, embrace, flower, hana, manga, rainbow, romantic, rose necklace, sleeping, smiling, vines, Vivi, wings
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