Aria Sky (Wallpaper Portfolio) Sunlight's Gift

Sunlight's Gift
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Here's the new wallpaper I had mentioned in my latest world post! ^^ Can you find where that screenshot came from?? :P about I dedicate the next wallpaper to whoever can find out what part the screenshot is from? :D come on, it's not that hard!

Anyways, this wallpaper is a completely new style from ANY of my previous wallpapers. I need more black in my gallery. (That's just an excuse, lol) Actually, I was inspired by this wallpaper from minitokyo. :)

I did quite a bit of editing with this wallie. I had to search through 64 pages on minitokyo of scans until I finally found the perfect window. >.> But, I'm happy with the way it turned out! Hope you guys like this! I'd love to hear what you guys think about this new style!

Please see the original scans to see how I've changed it! :D The "sunlight" was created by using a gradient.

Message: "Shining for the whole world, it even brings gifts to the darkest of places"
Girl/bunny: :D
Original window: ^^
*Picture within the window was from an scan I had previously used in another wallie
# of textures used: 1

View at any size for good quality, but I like the smaller sized ones because they're, if you know what I mean, lol. :P

Dedicated to UnknownKey as thanks for subscribing and I LOVE your artwork! I hope you like this wallie!

I'll be posting the iPhone version of this tomorrow! ^^

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
gift, girl, painting, present, rabbit, sun, sunlight, window
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