Yeah I made a wallpaper featuring the legendary Duelist that wields the rare Blue Eyes White Dragons and runs an epic corporation and owns Duel Academy. That's right its the one and only Seto Kaiba.
I figured it was time to comeback and revisit some of my original childhood characters, and Kaiba is one of them. Let me just say this wallpaper didn't turn out the way I expected and I'm happy about that. I made this to celebrate the awesomeness of Yu-Gi-Oh as a whole and because Seto Kaiba was one of my favorite characters,ever. Heck he still is.
I like Kaiba, not because he runs a major company that is awesome. I like him because I admire his ability to think on his feet, his love for his brother, and his determination to get stuff done. Overall I always wanted to be like him in this regard. I wanted to be awesome in my own way and I still hope to be. Let me describe the wallpaper making part.
Well I started out with an image I found that I originally thought was going to be the focus of the wallpaper. Then I got to playing around in Photoshop and I ended up blurring said image and it became a background. I then added a render of Blue Eyes White Dragon,blended it and added the main render of Kaiba. And used a few actions and effects to enhance the wallpaper as a whole.
Overall I'm happy with the result. I was happy to make a wallpaper featuring Kaiba and Blue Eyes.
I hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper~
Dedication: ElementalNinja
Cuz I can and cuz you're awesome. 'Nuff said. ;)