SEQUAL!!!!!!!!! (finally...)

Alazne: I always wondered what ODST stood I know!

Cyrus: <goes to 'nullify' ODST>

Alazne: Huh. I wonder how the heck I got here. And how I got cat ears.

Ikuto: Do you have a shugo chara?

Alazne: No. Where I come from, they don't exist.

Ikuto: Where do you come from?

Alazne: America. The land of cheap, stupid comics and really bad anime knock-offs.

Ikuto: Okay. That's makes sense.

Alazne: Ikuto-sama, you play the violin, right?

Ikuto: Yes. If you want me to play, I don't have my violin, so sorry.

Alazne: Oh, I was just checking. Kish! You can summon your sai daggers whenever you want, right?

Kish: Yeah.

<Alazne just stares at Kish>

Alazne: So what are you waiting for? Summon them and help Cyrus!

<Cyrus is still fighting the ODST>


Alazne: For one, it's Alazne. And two, what in the world do you want?

Moko-Hilter: You punted my general!

Alazne: Yeah, to the fifth dimension, too. I'd say that that's a new record.

Moko-Hitler: YOU SHALL PAY!

Alazne: T_T what are you going to do? Glomp me to death?

Moko-Hitler: No!

Alazne: Then what?

Moko-Hitler: I SHALL-