The Blood of Rizel prt 1

Jaden waved it away. “She’s young, she’ll learn. I’ve arranged for the queen’s head maid to instruct her. I swear by the time she comes back to you she’ll be either a Lady or engaged.”

“Wonderful.” Her mother said sounding satisfied.

The next morning Bastian had his servants pack Lilly’s belongings for the trip. She hadn’t spoken to anyone including her brother since walking out on dinner last night. Leading their horses out of the stables Jaden came up to Bastian who was pacing with his hands behind his back. “Easy old friend.” He said soothingly.

Bastian stopped and considered him for a moment. “At least I know you’ll be with her. She listens to you.”

He wasn’t so sure she listened to him better than any other person but he kept quiet wanting to let his friend be at ease. Lilly was his first child and he loved her fiercely, no matter how different from the other children she was, he never rebuked her. When they both noticed her coming down to them, she was wearing a man’s riding outfit. Her hair at least was brushed and braided back with wisps of brown framing her face. Bastian was about to protest when Jaden reached out. “Let her have a few more days. It will take us a while to reach Olestra, at least she can be comfortable on the way.”

He grimaced but conceded. She came to her father with tears in her eyes. “Please don’t make me go.” She cried embracing him tightly.

“I love you.” Bastian said ignoring his daughter’s pleas. He pulled back and kissed her forehead. “Be good.” He pushed her shoulder gently towards her horse. She walked towards Lightning glancing only for a second at Jaden.

He took Bastian’s arm firmly. “I’ll take good care of her. I swear it.”