The Blood of Rizel prt 1

The only sound heard for miles was the hard clicking of his horse’s hooves on the cobblestone road. Trees that lined it were beginning to bud after a long and frigid winter. The lone rider turned his head when the sounds of another horse caught his ear. A palomino mare came trotting up to him, its rider was a young girl. Her brown hair was longer than he remembered; her dirty face and bare feet told him she had been running in the mud.

“Lilly.” He bowed his head stifling the need to grin.

The girl tilted her head with a smile that lit up her face. “I didn’t think you were coming until later.”

He shrugged thinking of how long he had been away. “I see you haven’t changed. Still running around in boy’s cloths. It looks like you’ve been climbing trees too. Your father’s going to be angry with you.”

She pulled her horse closer to his. “He’s always mad at me.” She said in a matter of fact way that reminded him of her mother. A hint of inspiration glinted in her eyes. “Since I’m going to be in trouble anyway. Want to race to the manor?” He was about to say no when she heeled her horse ahead slightly and turned her head. Her horse was dancing in anticipation of a good run. “Please Jaden, for old time sake.

He grinned dryly. “Alright but..” Before he finished she was off. Wondering why he hadn’t expected as much he heeled his horse into a full gallop to catch up. Pulling up beside her easily he yelled. “Cheating isn’t going to help you win!” He laughed and pulled ahead making her face twist in determination as she pushed her horse harder.