The Blood of Rizel prt 1

They stepped into the foyer of the mansion. It was just as grand as any other manor of the nobility of Alura, but this one was the only one that felt like home to Jaden. “The raids have stopped and the three elders and I are in talks with the king to sign a treaty for a lasting peace.”

“Hm. I’m sure the king is making that hard.”

Jaden nodded. They both knew how the king felt about Rizel. From his earliest memories were of his father always defending him to the king. “He doesn’t like it but he sees the wisdom of securing his people’s safety.”

“I agree.” Bastian patted his friend’s shoulder. “You’ll succeed I’m sure and one day the Rizel will be our allies.”

Jaden was about to ask him how he could be so sure when his wife came into view. “Jaden! Oh how good it is to see you. It’s been too long.” He bent down so she could kiss his cheek in their normal warm greeting. “I had a feeling you were here when I saw Lilly running up the steps in her bare feet grinning like a cat.” With that she glared for a second at her husband who looked abashed scratching the back of neck again.

“You look beautiful as always.” He said trying to change the subject getting Bastian out of trouble. She eyed him up as if he was telling a joke but then waved it away.

“Time isn’t a woman’s friend I’m afraid.” Then she turned back to her husband. “Have you told her yet?”

Bastian stammered. “I was going to tell her at supper.”

With an exasperated sigh she took Jaden’s arm. “The cook is preparing a wonderful feast in your honor. Until then, how about we retire to the library for some brandy?”