The Blood of Rizel prt 1

They both watched her go and when she was out of sight he turned to Jaden. “It’s good to see you.” Jaden bent down for a brotherly embrace.

“And you old friend.” He looked back up to where Lilly had gone. “She doesn’t know why I’m here yet does she?” He arched his brow at his aging friend, who scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously. A motion he remembered his friend doing time and time again whenever he had somehow gotten him out of trouble.

“No, I haven’t had the heart to tell her.” They both handed the horses over to be taken care of and started up the steps as well. “I realize it’s my fault. I gave her too much leeway. I tried to be strict but she always seems to get to me. Sabine is always telling me I‘m too soft on her.”

“You’ve been wrapped around her finger from the day she was born.” Jaden said kindly. “I remember you stumbling over furniture while she was being born.” They both shared a laugh remembering that day. The midwife was inside the room and he had paced over and over in the same line so much there was a path of ware on the rug. Then as the baby’s cry sounded he turned his head a veer off his path only to trip over a ottoman, nearly breaking his neck.

“I had bruises on my legs for weeks.” Bastian’s laughter faded to an amused smile. “And now look, I’m getting old. My daughter is almost a woman and you….. still look like a young man.”

Jaden’s smile disappeared. “Such is the blood of my people.” His thoughts tried to move to darker areas when he forced them back.

Bastian coughed and changed the subject. “Speaking of which. How are the talks with the Rizel and the king coming along?”