My mother never helps me lift the whale!

I decided that due to so much going on, I simply had to come and post about it all! Oh, uh, my darlings...^-^

HA. So i'm sure many of you have noticed my sudden leap into the world of wallpapers lately. And that is due to coersion from Mero, but I do enjoy making them and hope to do more once I get caught up on my drawings a bit! SOO MANY TO DO! But i'm so thankful to the 3 subscribers I recieved from starting wallpapers! I soooo appreciate it!

I have, however, gotten my drawings updated a bit though! I have three of five drawings done, the other two are in progress. And yes, I have started Auxvita for you Avarice!! He pissed me off a bit last night but I got him to cooperate mostly....though his hands are still non-existent as they bugged me greatly. But I have big plans for the drawing, I hope it turns out they way I've invisioned it! ^-^

OH and Avarice I'm soo pleased for the drawing you did for me! ^-^ here it is for anyone interested! Her work is so unique and great!
External Image

Now for writings. For the Catalyst, I have finished chapter seven and it's revision and chapter eight has been finished and sent to Mero...who will have it edited after the accursed 4H work....DARN YOU!!!!!! *shakes fist* Then, i will put up chapter seven sometime today, so look for it! Tewoeklon still hasn't moved as I said it wouldn't until I reached the pausing place of The Catalyst. ^-^ Thanks to all who read my stories!!!
EDIT!!: Chapter Seven is up!!!!!!!!!!

Since I have finished getting all that information to you all, I now wants foodies. I haven't contemplated what I want much, but I think that I may have some spaghetti...for it is yummy to me^-^ And after that has been devoured muchly, as I am known to eat a three person helping, I will get to work on Auxvita! And he best be obediant this evening.

Toodles than!! ;P
