Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

WHOOPS, I forgetted to say...

Oh my dear dear darling sweetlekins...

I realized i completely forgot to post here that, for any interested, the rest of my old The Catalyst chapters are up on its world now. Also each previously posted chapter was updated with minor edits, except the prologue which i totally revamped for no real reason other than it bugged the hell out of me the way it was. XP

Should you be one of the few beings who enjoyed said series, regardless of the fact it will never be updated and is in hiatus to undergo major reworking, you can still view all of the completed fourteen chapters. Head on over by clicking this linky here: the Catalyst, page one of three Scroll to the bottom to get started.


ANYWAYS, now that that is aside, i am here to say greetings. Been a little while hasn't it, my lovelies? Not too long, but still a bitty bit, though much less bit than i have been before.

I am certain that some of you shall have already seen any of the pieces i have posted since my last update here. If not, then why the hell are you still reading this? Get over there and bask in your master's works. But you had best make sure you get back here and finish devouring this post.

As you may no doubt notice now that your eyeballs have absorbed all there is to see, my latest drawing indicates the marvelous coming of Halloween! Yes, that's right, your dear leader is quite the fan of the holiday. So i shall of course be posting a few pieces in celebration, for such is the way. You all know the way. If not, you should really get on that.

Other than the previously mentioned doodle...
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A few other pieces were posted since my last update, a few of which i am in fact a bit proud of, so check those out as well. Dooooooooooo it...
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Now, is all that shameless self promotion? Yes. Yes it is.


Turning away from the past and returning to that glorious Halloween mentioning, do know that i hope and intend to get a few more such pieces posted for all you loyal beings. *cuddles your face obnoxiously*

The main of which will be a currently in progress SessKag piece. The WIP is barely started, and the basic idea is still a little fuzzy, however i believe it shall clear up as i go. If you'd like to view the WIP, head on over here: SessKag Halloween piece WIP Other than that i have one idea for a little thing, but nothing else yet.

Whelps, i believe that is all for now!

Please enjoy this kind of halloween-esque nonsense for being such good nuggets

Bask, my dears...

that's right, it's me, be gladdened by my being *takes a stance for optimum basking in of*
anyways, now that you have had sufficient time to bask, i bring the news

yes, i have been MIA some more, i told you i would be, you were warned, get off my back GOSH

unfortunately this art slump is STILL kicking my butt and as immensely displeased as i may be, it refuses to vanish, such a jerk really T 3T i have managed a few sketchy pieces, totaling seven, of those five are merely profile sketches of some oc's of mine, one is a total mess which i just recently put up, and the last is a chibi of one of my gaia avies...cause i need a new signature doodle since i am changing my avie soon *noddums*

i still need to get five of those pieces scanned in though, takes time to do that many; i intend to do a few tonight, hopefully i will manage the last four profile doodles...which leaves me the gaia chibi the next night, i hope...mmmhhmmmmm yesh yesh indeed *stands with deep and fixed gaze upon nothing, stroking my stylish stache that i don't have but i pretend i do even though i can't actually grow one because i am female, but as a dapper lunatic i of course must have one*

oh, also, i am going to get those The Catalyst chapters updated and up eventually...however, i admittedly forgot where i left off before...probably only got up the first two, maybe, i don't know...do you know? who knows, nobody? eh, whatever, i'll figure it out..or something... have faith my minions *pets*

here's my crappy doodle, check her out, do it my darlings, dooooooo iiiiiitttttt
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and here is something epically absurd


sorry i am always popping in and out all the time, my lovely minion dears *pets slowly*

lately i have been in a rather annoying art slump.....it's evil and not in a good way... T -T
so i have been attempting to doodle little random nothings in order to get through it as best as i am able in my own weird way, and those are likely going to be the things that i will be uploading for a bit now...and a few of those have been posted too, and another is coming in a bit *nodnod*

be sure to check them out!! ...seriously...do it...do it....DO IT... OHMYGOSH, WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT?! D:<

here is one, she is so adorable, just look at her dorky face...LOOK AT IT AND KNOW ALL
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*pops lips* sooooo yurps, that is what's going down in the realm on my side of the interwebs...hopefully i can kick this slump, because it's really hindering my doodling........so many WIPS...needing so much love....dying all alone.....

such le sigh i have, my darlings...such le sigh...... -____-


oh, and i am still going to get those old The Catalyst chapters up, i have just been a slow potatoe........yeah i spell potatoe with an e, what of it? HUH?! I AM A REBEL OF SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!!! I SPELL DEFINATELY WITH AN A, INSTEAD OF AN I !!! YEAH, WHAT OF IT??? THAT'S HOW I ROLL MAN!!!

yeah - 3-


to lighten your obvious woes at my annoying propensities, have this marvelous piece of greatness

UPDATED 5: I BE...though i never wasn't

UPDATE-CEPTION: all art is posted and up to date at long last!!!!! :3 i also went and put three of my online existences at the intro of this world, my deviantART, dokuga, and tumblr...incase any of you are interested!

UPDATE OF UPDATE OF UPDATE OF UPDATE: that first part of the last batch is up! sorry i cut it, i ran out of time, the last few are coming soon, all at once...then i shall be CURRENT AT LAST

UPDATE OF UPDATE OF UPDATE: another batch up, one more to go!!! C:

UPDATE OF UPDATE: there are 25 more pieces up and something like...42 more to go!! *flails*

UPDATE: i have gotten 25 of those backed pieces posted; i have to stop for now because there are only 25 allowed submissions every 24 hours...more will come soon though!


what? what is this?? is it me? is it your dear master? have you missed me? you should have.

Well, what you may recall in my last post on...*cough* 8/27/13 *coughcough* is me commenting on the technological troubles that were plaguing my life.

Here is an update on what happened with that situation.

Now, i did spend some of that time not doing art postings here or deviantART because of the problems i was having, however i have updated all the way up to current work already, as of...oh...i don't know..let me check for you, my dears. Okay, the first of those cached pieces i posted on deviantART was on December 23rd, 2013...and that doodle was actually completed 7/18/11. Yeah, i know, i know. Everything is not only backed up in one way, but in a completely different way of 'ohmygoodgosh your procrastination is so exceptionally painful it makes my hair hurt and teeth ache...YOU ARE TRYING TO BE A COLD....wait...where is this going.....'. Anyways, this is most certainly true--the cold part not so much...or is it...or isn't it...or...butterscotch...--, and i am quite aware of such. So stop getting on my case. Stop. I SAID STOP. Geez, you guys are so pushy.

Okay, none of that really explained anything i just said i was about to. So here it is, probably. I don't know, i do have a tendency to ramble on and go in circles. You can imagine why me and school papers did not get along, but my long-winded manner certainly made them APPEAR to be full of sense and wonder. ...Crap, i am doing it again.

Back when my laptop was in chaos, there were more instances of such shut downs and restarts after my last post about it. And yet, for some odd reason that i cannot explain, these circumstances simply stopped happening. I may never know what went down within the confines of my treacherous laptop, but regardless of such peculiarities, i am pleased those things have ceased.

Getting to that monitor dilemma, i found that things, also, simply stopped being problematic. My mother dear and i unplugged and re-plugged and blew air into the sockets, etc. etc. and, although i don't know if any of that was the reason, it has been working just as before. Mind you, that is not at all perfect. It IS still an old computer which isn't used much and so likely does not get some of the updates it needs. I am fairly certain it still has IE7 or..does it have IE8 ?? No, no it doesn't. BUT, a fun little turn around from that incident, the scanner has begun to play an annoying little game where it refuses to acknowledge the scanner drive. Yet, i can scan when going through the computer rather than the scanner itself. I don't know what it's problem is. Perhaps it and the monitor were working together, and when we managed to get the monitor back into shape, the scanner decided to start playing it's own cards. My assorted technologies play cards on the side and plan how best to screw with me. Mmmhmm, that makes perfect sense. Yessss, i am on to you. >:3

So, on to the other reason for posting this update.

I am going to begin posting all the art that i have had backed up, although I shall not be uploading any mature content pieces. If you wish to see them, and are of age you naughty little creatures, then you shall have to visit my deviantART account. BUT, yes, another full-capped but, if you do not have an account and all that etc. then you cannot view MA work anyways...soooo, yeah. >;3

For these doodles, and since there are so many, i am going to be posting the bare minimum in the descriptions, rather than my usual blahblahblahs. I will be linking each one to the corresponding dA post of said piece. When i reach more recent ones, then i will start to post the full descripts.


On a somewhat different note, one i never expected to get back to, is on one of my world's where i have some old chapters of an old, on hiatus, story..that is...old. That would be, The Catalyst.

For some reason that world still gets a decent number of views, and i decided that i would just post the rest of the chapters i had written back in the day and never got around to posting. This will likely be a completely pointless endeavor, but hey, at least one person other than me will read those old pieces of crap...AHA. *eyeroll*

Whelps, i do believe that that will be all, my lovelies. Yes. Yes, i do.


oh, a little sidenote: i never did get that delicious delicious bacon............. *sigh*

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i am apparently a zombie...yes...sad really T-T


*cough* anyways...

Despite having returned, i still won't yet get any new art up for a little while yet. I'm currently still getting back into things after not being able to doodle at all cause i was sort of not eligible for graduating and needed to be but NOW i am done and have graduated from high school! HAHAHA

I also returned from ACEN in Chicago a little bit ago!!! It was quite exhausting, but I had a great time!!! And certainly a slap in the face after my first con was such a really small one. I cosplayed Saya from Blood+, unfortunately it wasn't until when i was getting things packed into the car and heading to change when i was recognized by one person. ONE person knew who i was the entire time, at least only one person said anything to me. Though i was asked a few times for pictures! ^-^ That made me happy! Although one person was an older male dressed as a woman speaking with a high pitched voice...0,o though not really a weird thing to see at a con. Also i probably disappointed people when they asked me...i didn't really pose or anything..i just didn't know what to do!! So i just stood and kinda smiled...ehe...anyone who has done this who can give me tips for the future, i would greatly appreciate it!! T-T

here are a couple pics, all were taken in our hotel room after the con was over, we were so in a daze and hurring through to do things that we got NO pics other than at one panel we were at and they were not in focus at all XP..sorry my full body one sucks, it was the best of the costume but not great of my face..plus we had TERRIBLE lighting.

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Authentic with the watch there, eh? ehehe

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my friend and sister with me, horrible lighting and pic, but best of the two i have...
my friend is Haruhi from Ouran in the lieelt known Ouran middle school uniform when they are sneaking into the elementary..and my sister is Haine from the manga Gentlemen's Alliance Cross, she is in a "winter" council uniform.

BUT OH!! i remember, i do have a few Kagome doodles from like...i don't know a month or two ago? I just never got a chance to get them up with all the sudden rush of busy-ness! I may get those up sometime then but otherwise, still nothing until i get some old things done. Soooooooo...hopefully i can finish old artquickly and start some new things started!!!! I have so many ideas!! It's like a back up of inspiration and creativity, hehe ^-^ I might put up some WIPS or something too since i'll still be dead for a while longer. Hmmmm...

Ah, yes and for those who read my stories, the views for which have darted up drastically, i love you all for that and have come to inform you that i have FINALLY gotten back to writing!!!!!!!!!! Currently i have only gone to The Catalyst but i will get to Tewoeklon soon. I had a HUGE plot line and antagonist breakthrough during my work for my art final project (which i never got to, ahem..0-o). So i will certainly get cracking as soon as i can! I'll be sure to make an update on Conduit. Also, me and my naughty ways, i have gotten about two new story ideas over the last few weeks or so. I heart them but must not do anything!! *holds head* so hard not too...one is REALLY not like me, well because of the charater type, it's still fantasy. Ahhhhhhh....well that's all i think!

Love you all my darlings!! *huggles*