Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.
Have fun.
if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:
[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]
[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]
greetings my sweet darling dears, been a little while, eh?
I have been intending to write an update here for so long now and keep putting it off as my days have been a tad bizarre lately. So, considering i don't know when i shall get to it, i thought i would post a little thing here so you do not fret much more than you no doubt already have been *patpat* Aren't i considerate? I am. I know. ^ 3^
until such a time, have this piece of complete and utter nonsense...i love it:
Here is Part Two, because of the stupid reasons as i mention in Part One below...T 3T
Choice Six:
Original- 1- 2- 3- 4-
I think i may cut out Choices Four and Five; and Choice Six is the one i am having the most decision troubles with. I realize you sweetlings may hardly, if at all, see the differences in the some of the multiple version choices, but i do and the slights are ones i see well and are stuck with choosing from.
Whelps, anywho, that is what i am in the middle of...then the stupid images had to be stupid...it's like there is an image limit. WHY, WHY....JUST...WHY...DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I POSTED AND DELETED THINGS!? SERIOUSLY!?
This is Part One, because for some stupid reason the last images weren't showing up not matter what i did, so i had to break it down. Weird and frustrating. I am displeased, my darlings. >:C
So, for no real reason other than perhaps for myself, i am posting my cut down options for my brand spanking new avatar! WOO!! *erratic and horrid dancing*
I posted the original for some to show the changes i made. Like how i fixed her hair; Rumiko Takahashi was often inconsistent, so sometimes Kagome's hair lacked some of the wave, and sometimes it didn't. I made the eyes stand out more too, just cause i wanted to. But then, i also wanted to show the thing i mentioned about Sesshoumaru's skin being orange. I mean, look at that nonsense, WHY THE HELL IS IT ORANGE?! FOR CEREAL!?
I have some partial news regarding my technological issues which i ranted on thoroughly in my last post.
First the bad news prior to the current events.
A few days ago i awoke as per usual, meandering about to get up things and such as i most always do, and one of those is turning on my laptop while doing so. However, upon returning to see it in order to log in, i discovered that the screen was grey and had not gone to the log in screen at all. It was as if it were paused between the grey apple loading and the log in. Obviously this worried me. But before fully panicking, i turned off my laptop and restarted it, this time waiting and watching as it started. Unfortunately it appeared to do exactly what it had done before. To be certain i repeated this process a few more times, discovering no matter what i did, the screen continued to settle on that taunting grey screen of doom. Yes, my dears, my laptop had become unresponsive almost entirely. Not dead, but certainly not working.
The next day we arranged to take it to the bar of genius' and have it checked out and to no doubt be sent in to the magic center of wherever they fix stuff. At the time i was warned that the logic board may be somehow damaged and the hard drive could be as well. While there he previously warned of both those, then went back to have something checked, and upon return he only mentioned the logic board, which gave me some minor hope that the hard drive would not be as likely. Now while i have had nearly everything backed up, there were some things which were not. These were nothing vitally important and i would certainly survive without them, but i rather hoped i wouldn't lose them anyways.
My dears, prepare yourself for the tragic part.
Today i received my mac laptop back from the apple overlords, and much to my dismay, not only was the logic board defective but also my hard drive. This meant, sadly, my hard drive and those few things i mentioned which i had not backed up in time were lost. LE WOE! Though not so much really, i will be fine, everything vital to my existence is safe.
The last few hours i have spent setting up my laptop once again, as if it were brand spanking new. Downloading things and moving over files and other etc. has been time consuming. I did the majority of that a little bit ago, and am currently writing this. There are still some things i need to do, primarily file related. A lot of my aesthetic choices were messed up and/or need adjusting. And obviously, the personalization of my laptop is rather important to me when i spent nearly all my time on it. I am also merely a goober that way. Yes, your leader is a goober. Don't let this information go to your head though, goober or no my magnificence is too great to deny. So i will allow you to take a moment to bask. ... Was that sufficient? Good.
Drifting away from the nonsense.
The problems with my desktop monitor have not yet been resolved. I am quite saddened by this, largely because if it is no longer working that is even more time passing where i shall have to go without being able to scan anything while we then must go through the horror of getting a new one. This irksome delay has been no help towards my decreased motivation to be productive with my doodles. Since my last post i have done a couple more, but nothing special and none of which were my neglected WIPS.
If one more thing breaks on me i may melt my brain.
i don't know why the hell i am adding this, but whatever...patterns or something...
it is funny at least, i enjoy it's humorousness, it please me; hopefully it shall please you and lighten the low mood of this post