I am scanning about two every night right now (i'd do more if i could, but i don't have the time), and i have over 20, so it will take a little while to get them all, but as i scan things in i shall be posting pieces. Also, i have several that aren't technically 'finished,' like, they need hands and such...
...i always put off doing hands.........hands hate me...i love them and they hate me....

...why hands....why........i love you so much....just let me love you......LET ME LOVE YOU....
Soooooooo... of course, all of you dears must keep in mind that the majority of these pieces are doodles/practice sketches, and yes, there are a few more of my gradually becoming infamous profile sketches. Sorry not sorry. T 3T ...........................sorry....
YUP THEN!!! I shall update when there is more to ramble on *nod* ^-^
Okay? Okay. So, the other day my mother dearest and i FINALLY got to checking out the desktop computer (yeah, i know...FINALLY), and you will not BELIEVE what that damn thing did...that's right, IT RESPONDED! :O YUP! AFTER ALL THESE MONTHS THE FREAKIN THING ACTUALLY TURNED ON!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?! DO YOU!? yeah you do, you do my dears, yeah *pets in a slow, disturbing manner*
*ahem* However, just because the monitor turned on DOES NOT mean i trust it for even the tiniest of seconds T 3T This is probably the dozenth time this thing has done this (though not even close to this long), it is an ancient ten or so year old piece of evil incarnate and it has a horrible sense of humor if you couldn't tell. Ughs, all my unamusedness is palpable...

yes, you see right, i would drop a cake just to express my immense distaste
BUT, anyways, i shall be going to try and get to scanning as much as i possibly can before this miraculous change in the universe screws me over again...if it hasn't already..........oh my gosh if it has i will develop and then have an aneurysm D:<
EDIT: nope, no worries, i just checked, it's still responding
aaaahhhhhh...i am soooo wondrously pleased, my sweetlings o 3o
look, look at my joy!!!

i cannot even express how greatly i needed this, guys...i really...really did...
Oh dearest minions, do you know just how sad things are without my scanning abilities? ...you know not how horridly abysmal it is on my side of the virtual realm separating us so cruelly T-T
I wish i could be posting doodles for you all, i wish i could be posting them for myself, alas i cannot. GROINAEO[;.NAWE aovian[;.'erivabns984[rlgkiuabudv AEIOFHNLAEIRH'.[IEBKNFAISBQAELRI][;,34o23rOAHSLNDFEQIEWAWEOFNAOGRSTIHN laisubel539];aiudhvbaerifha-45'';einfais YIRBgr35[NAWOAPV:N oiahweiof2wf34[pl23[pjfoihwefoi FO[]'[/HWRAFOH[;8O34IWJ53HD$%(^::{W!!!!!!!
I don't feel that accurately represents my woe. No, no it does not. Not even in the slightest of ways. ... Le freakin sigh. >:C
I decided to post something to again remind you darling dears that i still maintain a heart beat and linger about on this and my other sites, even without the ability to put up any works of mine. Yes, i am alive. This post will obviously rid you of your anxieties. Because that is how the world works. Amazing, i know.
Here is a WIP set of something i am working on that isn't one of my batch of sketchy, practice doodles, at least half of which cannot be posted here. Hurrhurr. ;P It's a doodle of Kagome, cause she's my go to when random doodling. I cannot say for sure what is pissing her off, but it's something. Her face and hair bother me greatly, i kind of messed up and though i continued to try and fix them, they just...eh... Well, I'm not done with it yet, so maybe i can still work with them up until then. Who knows when i'll be able to post it anyways!! Ahahaha, aha, ha ha... T 3T You see my humor there? Revel in it. ...Do it. Cause i am certainly not able.

here is the tumblr post, cause why not
Whelps, there you have it. I have been doing things, just can't show you them. But have a WIP. It is technically something. Yup.
*obnoxiously flails about in melodramatic, morose, broken heartedness of epic sighery*

applicable gifs are applicable