Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]


alrighty tighty dearies! o 3o

As the title of this brief update post states, i have put up the final two profile sketches i had!! WOO!!!! So no worries, you needn't endure them any longer *pat* Though i know you obviously liked them still...right? RIGHT? I hope so...

While this is still an update on that, i wanted to take a moment to vent a little upset i felt in regards to a recent development on my deviantART account. Since i began uploading again i lost two followers, then gained one, then lost one; oddly enough while in the interim of not posting anything i gained a few, and now that i have gotten back to it i suddenly lost three.

Of course i am not going to stop posting these types of pieces whenever i have them, it is MY account and i will post what i want, however it still saddens me that the three that left may have done so simply because of this. I obviously enjoy my art for myself, but i also like to know others enjoy them as well. And while ups and downs of followers is not new or uncommon on any of my accounts anywhere where such a thing can be done, this particular instance just sort of bothered me simply because of what i just said. Not posting-> i gain some, then start posting again-> i lose some. It is a bit of a minor blow to oneself.

Now, in all honestly, it does not bother me immensely, and i do not begrudge whomever it was that left, it was their decision and everyone has their reasons. But regardless of those realities, the slight nudge is just a current irk within me.

Yeah...well, anyways! All that cerealness aside (yes, i meant to say 'cerealness'), back to the topic at hand!


Uhhh, actually, that is pretty much it...o-o

Whelp, stay tuned my sweets, for there is more stuff to come!! Hehe, it's like i'm a channel...you love to watch my channel, don't you ;3

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yeah you do

UPDATED 5: I BE...though i never wasn't

UPDATE-CEPTION: all art is posted and up to date at long last!!!!! :3 i also went and put three of my online existences at the intro of this world, my deviantART, dokuga, and tumblr...incase any of you are interested!

UPDATE OF UPDATE OF UPDATE OF UPDATE: that first part of the last batch is up! sorry i cut it, i ran out of time, the last few are coming soon, all at once...then i shall be CURRENT AT LAST

UPDATE OF UPDATE OF UPDATE: another batch up, one more to go!!! C:

UPDATE OF UPDATE: there are 25 more pieces up and something like...42 more to go!! *flails*

UPDATE: i have gotten 25 of those backed pieces posted; i have to stop for now because there are only 25 allowed submissions every 24 hours...more will come soon though!


what? what is this?? is it me? is it your dear master? have you missed me? you should have.

Well, what you may recall in my last post on...*cough* 8/27/13 *coughcough* is me commenting on the technological troubles that were plaguing my life.

Here is an update on what happened with that situation.

Now, i did spend some of that time not doing art postings here or deviantART because of the problems i was having, however i have updated all the way up to current work already, as of...oh...i don't know..let me check for you, my dears. Okay, the first of those cached pieces i posted on deviantART was on December 23rd, 2013...and that doodle was actually completed 7/18/11. Yeah, i know, i know. Everything is not only backed up in one way, but in a completely different way of 'ohmygoodgosh your procrastination is so exceptionally painful it makes my hair hurt and teeth ache...YOU ARE TRYING TO BE A COLD....wait...where is this going.....'. Anyways, this is most certainly true--the cold part not so much...or is it...or isn't it...or...butterscotch...--, and i am quite aware of such. So stop getting on my case. Stop. I SAID STOP. Geez, you guys are so pushy.

Okay, none of that really explained anything i just said i was about to. So here it is, probably. I don't know, i do have a tendency to ramble on and go in circles. You can imagine why me and school papers did not get along, but my long-winded manner certainly made them APPEAR to be full of sense and wonder. ...Crap, i am doing it again.

Back when my laptop was in chaos, there were more instances of such shut downs and restarts after my last post about it. And yet, for some odd reason that i cannot explain, these circumstances simply stopped happening. I may never know what went down within the confines of my treacherous laptop, but regardless of such peculiarities, i am pleased those things have ceased.

Getting to that monitor dilemma, i found that things, also, simply stopped being problematic. My mother dear and i unplugged and re-plugged and blew air into the sockets, etc. etc. and, although i don't know if any of that was the reason, it has been working just as before. Mind you, that is not at all perfect. It IS still an old computer which isn't used much and so likely does not get some of the updates it needs. I am fairly certain it still has IE7 or..does it have IE8 ?? No, no it doesn't. BUT, a fun little turn around from that incident, the scanner has begun to play an annoying little game where it refuses to acknowledge the scanner drive. Yet, i can scan when going through the computer rather than the scanner itself. I don't know what it's problem is. Perhaps it and the monitor were working together, and when we managed to get the monitor back into shape, the scanner decided to start playing it's own cards. My assorted technologies play cards on the side and plan how best to screw with me. Mmmhmm, that makes perfect sense. Yessss, i am on to you. >:3

So, on to the other reason for posting this update.

I am going to begin posting all the art that i have had backed up, although I shall not be uploading any mature content pieces. If you wish to see them, and are of age you naughty little creatures, then you shall have to visit my deviantART account. BUT, yes, another full-capped but, if you do not have an account and all that etc. then you cannot view MA work anyways...soooo, yeah. >;3

For these doodles, and since there are so many, i am going to be posting the bare minimum in the descriptions, rather than my usual blahblahblahs. I will be linking each one to the corresponding dA post of said piece. When i reach more recent ones, then i will start to post the full descripts.


On a somewhat different note, one i never expected to get back to, is on one of my world's where i have some old chapters of an old, on hiatus, story..that is...old. That would be, The Catalyst.

For some reason that world still gets a decent number of views, and i decided that i would just post the rest of the chapters i had written back in the day and never got around to posting. This will likely be a completely pointless endeavor, but hey, at least one person other than me will read those old pieces of crap...AHA. *eyeroll*

Whelps, i do believe that that will be all, my lovelies. Yes. Yes, i do.


oh, a little sidenote: i never did get that delicious delicious bacon............. *sigh*

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So my little minions, guess what....come on, guess >:3
No, that's entirely wrong. I already filled my murder quota for this week..i mean, cough, ..eh, whatever.

In fact, I am preparing to get everything here and updated!
Okay, that's enough thinking poorly of your master.
...Seriously. Stop it. *smacks your hands away from my face*

*ahem* Anyways, i did some prep work in my own overly OCD manner, and i arranged all the pieces that need to be put up. *nod*

And, my dear lovelies, there are approximately seventy doodles and drawings.
Yes. I'm not kidding. Seventy, SEVEN ZERO.

However, for you peeps on this site of ours, there will be about fourteen pieces that shan't be put up. Now these aren't going to be, because i will be having them stashed in my scraps on deviantART and therefore in a hidden realm of shame that only those with forethought to watch my scraps will see. But if you do REALLY want to see those old ugly things, if you go to my deviantART gallery and press the Browse or Scrapbook links at the topish line, you will be able to.
Do not have any expectations, let alone high ones.
Another thing to note in this general realm, there are a few more of the drawings which have adult content, primarily nudity, some sexual, which i won't be posting here either. If i truly adore a nudity piece then i may censor it for; but, for the most part, your perverse minds shan't be given the unmarked luxury on this site. Should you have a deviantART account, going to my gallery you would then be able to find them, but you must have that account to do so, seeing as i shall place them under the banners of mature content. *sigh* Yes, i know that i too am an ironic lamb of perversion, however i do not wish to incur the wraths of mods and subsequently be banished.

Back to the postables, do keep in mind that the majority of these are old, out of date, not my current style sort of things. I will say when the newest stuff appears though, never fear darlings. *overly affectionate, bordering creepy head patting*
Also, i can't say for sure how long it will take to reach that place of complete updatery considering the whole...seventy drawings issue. - _ -

There are a few pieces that still need to be scanned and i intend to do that either tonight or the next one oooooorrr.. the next one. Oh you know me, minions, procrastinatey and all. *mischievous snickers*

Whelps, that's all then i suppose. I shall go back to preparing for the obvious apocalypse which is surely to be coming after this absurd change in world dynamics that is me.

Be naughty, my pancakey ones of gooberdom. o 3o

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THAT IS RIGHT MY MINIONS! I, the one and only me, have done...*pause for effect* THINGSSSSSS!

i went ahead and put up a few more of my little works, there is a newer one too, so we are closer now to the most recent!! *dances obnoxiously with a rather attractive bowl of mashed potatoes*

anywho, most of the are just character concept sketches of some of my own characters *nod* one is of a character from one of the stories i posted some of in a world on this site; however that one has gone through many changes and most of what is already written will be scrapped for redos since the evolvements of the story and characters *nodnod*

there is one bleh sesskag sketch, i do have a ton that i mushed into a sesskag sketch dump but it is so big i don't want to put it up here; so instead here is the link to the dump on my deviantart :3

Notebook SessKag Sketch Dump

enjoy all the crap for now, i will do more bundle posts soon...oneday we shall reach a time when i have things that are current with my ability at the time..one day *looks off longingly*

i return...and i has a piggy!! X3

Sigh....soo got back from my choir tour yesterday evening. And once i got home, i changed and went right to falling asleep...i was so tired. We really only got about 5 hours or less each night, then spent the entire time from waking to sleeping being busy. I am a lazy person; it was SO MUCH! Even my sister who is disturbing when it comes to school and what not wanted to stay home today from exhaustion. Yes, we stayed home. Although i really had no idea what was going on as i was asleep from passing out sunday evening to waking up late monday afternoon to the sound of my sister screaming at me because the toilet was inexplicably overflowing. We still have no idea why that happened...and now the floor is soaked.... -_-

I managed to get a total of nothing done since i left...there was truely NO TIME at all... At. All. But i did have my chibi drawing finished just before leaving and so will try to have up soon. ^-^

I have been busy working through all my stuff on DA i am really only just now getting to stuff here...there was quite a lot to go through and many thanks and comments to do as well.

....then I had to deal with a rude moron on DA, which really got my blood pumping, i was so furious. However i am trying to look past it, although i think Avarice may kill me for what i finally chose to do. However, even after the nasty(not even remotely close to my worst) comment i left her i still went and gave a kind comment on her profile...sigh, i am just to nice sometimes...really... -_-

Anyways, i am back...pissed off, exhausted, miserable, and hot...perfect combo. Though i have calmed down somewhat and cooled off too... so that's good! ^-^

Oh but on my trip, i did get myself the most ADORABLE stuffed pig at a Sanrio shop in the mall we stopped at...his nose has a squeeker in it and i have dubbed him "The Ambassador" because i can and it rocks.

here is a pic of us:

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twas end of a few things that day, hence the bad hair ^-^
