Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.
Have fun.

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:
[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]
[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]
[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]
Remember when i said i had been intending to post a post about updating and stuff?
Yeah, it was in my last post. You remember? Good, good.
Anyways, here it be.
So i wished for you all to know that i am still working on things, as i have said numerous times before, it is all just slow...very...freaking...slow...ughs T-T My slowness is a curse, save me my darlings, save your beloved leader.
Here are some things i am working on currently--they are both sesskag related:
They link to the tumblr page i posted the WIP(s) on *nod*
I have several other pieces, both fanart and original that are either complete but i am not ready to get up yet, or incomplete and need to be finished--mostly hands and shading...i take soo long to get to those things sometimes -__-
I have also been doing a great deal of writing lately, which has admittedly been taking up a lot of my 'free' time. Also on friday i shall be leaving for a week of vacation, though while on it i do intend to try and doodle/write, regardless. We shall have to see how much of that actually occurs though...
I shall see all you lovelies later <3

THAT IS RIGHT MY MINIONS! I, the one and only me, have done...*pause for effect* THINGSSSSSS!
i went ahead and put up a few more of my little works, there is a newer one too, so we are closer now to the most recent!! *dances obnoxiously with a rather attractive bowl of mashed potatoes*
anywho, most of the are just character concept sketches of some of my own characters *nod* one is of a character from one of the stories i posted some of in a world on this site; however that one has gone through many changes and most of what is already written will be scrapped for redos since the evolvements of the story and characters *nodnod*
there is one bleh sesskag sketch, i do have a ton that i mushed into a sesskag sketch dump but it is so big i don't want to put it up here; so instead here is the link to the dump on my deviantart :3
Notebook SessKag Sketch Dump
enjoy all the crap for now, i will do more bundle posts soon...oneday we shall reach a time when i have things that are current with my ability at the time..one day *looks off longingly*

i finally completed my sister's birthday gift the other day :D
it is a mini Inu...the pattern is my own--though nothing special--and his hair took FOREVER *faint*
Inu as in InuYasha from the anime/manga, InuYasha (obviously)
he turned out awesome :3
Sooo this is my SECOND time writing this darn post...stupid thing.
Anyway, I'm here to say stuff and things in regards to my various works as I am a goober when it comes to posting updates here...well anywhere actually if you know of my other sites. Hehehe. ;P
Now then, for writings! I have gotten chapters four and five of The Catalyst put up in the time between my last post (I believe)! Which is always nice for those who actually read it^-^ Especially since the other night I wrote chapter six! Fastest I have ever written a chapter lately. In other story related news, Tewoeklon chapter four has been started but I have yet to get back to it though. Silly, silly me :P Oh, yes and before I forget, I will be putting up chapter five of Blade for those who still follow it. ^-^
In doodleland, I have currently 3 in progress drawings...soon to be 4 actually. Hehehe^-^ because i'm a stupid person really. HA. Yeah. Other than that though I have one finished one, a SessXKag fanart. First one actually, which is sad considering it's my favorite InuYasha pairing. You'd think I would have gotten around to it at one point...alas I have sucked too much I think. ^-^ Two of my in-progress drawings are from The Catalyst, another is one I STILL haven't completed for someone at my school. The last one of those four will be for my friend AvariceTears! She gave me a lovely comment and in it was mentioned drawing her character. So I thought, why not! So soon I hope to have a drawing of her character Auxvita in my style with my funky background work similar to how I did my drawing Simple Pleasures . Let's hope things all get done!
In the realm of me, my first vacation is going to be coming up next week. I'm not sure if i'll have any wifi where I am...I think I will but i don't know. I'll just have to find out when I get there! My next one isn't until august, although I don't really know whether i'll have any wifi there either. Sadness really. :P But things will work themselves out one way or another. YEAH FUN ME TIME!