Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.
Have fun.
![External Image](https://i.imgur.com/kN5PnBJ.jpg)
if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:
[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]
[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]
[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]
Remember when i said i had been intending to post a post about updating and stuff?
Yeah, it was in my last post. You remember? Good, good.
Anyways, here it be.
So i wished for you all to know that i am still working on things, as i have said numerous times before, it is all just slow...very...freaking...slow...ughs T-T My slowness is a curse, save me my darlings, save your beloved leader.
Here are some things i am working on currently--they are both sesskag related:
--- ![External Image](http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z232/itsumademofuri/SessKag%20doodles/IMG_20150715_064634076_watermark_small_zpsrmknos1n.jpg)
They link to the tumblr page i posted the WIP(s) on *nod*
I have several other pieces, both fanart and original that are either complete but i am not ready to get up yet, or incomplete and need to be finished--mostly hands and shading...i take soo long to get to those things sometimes -__-
I have also been doing a great deal of writing lately, which has admittedly been taking up a lot of my 'free' time. Also on friday i shall be leaving for a week of vacation, though while on it i do intend to try and doodle/write, regardless. We shall have to see how much of that actually occurs though...
I shall see all you lovelies later <3
![External Image](http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z232/itsumademofuri/gifs/tumblr_muvjy8XeaP1rzkc6ro2_500_zpshqns7liu.gif)
THAT IS RIGHT MY MINIONS! I, the one and only me, have done...*pause for effect* THINGSSSSSS!
i went ahead and put up a few more of my little works, there is a newer one too, so we are closer now to the most recent!! *dances obnoxiously with a rather attractive bowl of mashed potatoes*
anywho, most of the are just character concept sketches of some of my own characters *nod* one is of a character from one of the stories i posted some of in a world on this site; however that one has gone through many changes and most of what is already written will be scrapped for redos since the evolvements of the story and characters *nodnod*
there is one bleh sesskag sketch, i do have a ton that i mushed into a sesskag sketch dump but it is so big i don't want to put it up here; so instead here is the link to the dump on my deviantart :3
Notebook SessKag Sketch Dump
enjoy all the crap for now, i will do more bundle posts soon...oneday we shall reach a time when i have things that are current with my ability at the time..one day *looks off longingly*
![External Image](http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z232/itsumademofuri/tumblr%20stuff/miniinu_complete_set.png)
i finally completed my sister's birthday gift the other day :D
it is a mini Inu...the pattern is my own--though nothing special--and his hair took FOREVER *faint*
Inu as in InuYasha from the anime/manga, InuYasha (obviously)
he turned out awesome :3
Sooo this is my SECOND time writing this darn post...stupid thing.
Anyway, I'm here to say stuff and things in regards to my various works as I am a goober when it comes to posting updates here...well anywhere actually if you know of my other sites. Hehehe. ;P
Now then, for writings! I have gotten chapters four and five of The Catalyst put up in the time between my last post (I believe)! Which is always nice for those who actually read it^-^ Especially since the other night I wrote chapter six! Fastest I have ever written a chapter lately. In other story related news, Tewoeklon chapter four has been started but I have yet to get back to it though. Silly, silly me :P Oh, yes and before I forget, I will be putting up chapter five of Blade for those who still follow it. ^-^
In doodleland, I have currently 3 in progress drawings...soon to be 4 actually. Hehehe^-^ because i'm a stupid person really. HA. Yeah. Other than that though I have one finished one, a SessXKag fanart. First one actually, which is sad considering it's my favorite InuYasha pairing. You'd think I would have gotten around to it at one point...alas I have sucked too much I think. ^-^ Two of my in-progress drawings are from The Catalyst, another is one I STILL haven't completed for someone at my school. The last one of those four will be for my friend AvariceTears! She gave me a lovely comment and in it was mentioned drawing her character. So I thought, why not! So soon I hope to have a drawing of her character Auxvita in my style with my funky background work similar to how I did my drawing Simple Pleasures . Let's hope things all get done!
In the realm of me, my first vacation is going to be coming up next week. I'm not sure if i'll have any wifi where I am...I think I will but i don't know. I'll just have to find out when I get there! My next one isn't until august, although I don't really know whether i'll have any wifi there either. Sadness really. :P But things will work themselves out one way or another. YEAH FUN ME TIME!