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Extended Date

Due to a short notice brought to me by my parents, the deadline for my contest has been extended to July 7th(I'm going out of town) since I'll be away from a computer for about 2 days. You should expect results on July 8th or 9th(and hopefully no later).
I encourage you guys to send in more entries!!!(I need more GUITAR, BASS, AND DRUMMER entries, otay?)


Entries so far...

For contest details, please go here. Remember, it ends no later than July 5th!!
So far, I have received entries from two people-Ihjiry Yamaguchi and Minto! But I still need entries for the BASS, GUITAR, AND DRUMS categories, so please do your best to send me your ideas, otay?

Left:Ihjiry's entry Right:Minto's entry

On a different note, I've fixed the problem with the scanner in the corner of the room, so now I can finally upload my crap cleanly and not have to worry about unwanted shadows and thumbs and unclear photos! I'll be resubmitting the picture-phone captured pieces from my portfolio using my scanner so you guys can see the details clearly. =D Look forward to them soon, and I strongly encourage you to participate in the contest!(see 1st block of this post)
-and elated KF

Outfits Needed!! Contest from KaidaFaye

I'm almost done with the 1st chapter of my comic, G33K!!(the "K" is supposed to be a straight line and "less than")...but I need some help-it takes me forever to come up with outfits and I'm too busy trying to ink everything perfectly and run it through GIMP(similar to Photoshop) before I start the next chapter, which features a concert. This is what I need:

-A female outfit involving plaid(PLAID ENTRY)
-Another female outfit(DRUMMER ENTRY)
-One male outfit(GUITAR ENTRY)
-Another male outfit(BASS ENTRY)

You have the choice of doing any number of the categories I've displayed(just one, two, three, or all of them);you can enter in any category as many times as you like(I like a lot of choices). The criteria are as follows...

-must be original(duh)
-I will not accept worded descriptions unless it's wording pointing out or further describing a drawn article of the entry
-the theme is PUNK(have fun-it can be pop/punk, emo/punk, goth/punk, retro/punk, cosplay/punk, etc)
-If you wish to draw a character modeling your design, the character must match the gender of the outfit(outfit genders are specified in the first list)
-Must specify which outfit you're design is for(PLAID, DRUMMER, GUITAR, BASS)
-You can enter more than once for any of the designs
-Can be manga, realistic, or just the clothes(not very picky on style)
-Be creative


1st prize for the winner of each of the categories gets their design worn by the band for their concert plus 2nd and 3rd place prizes
2nd prize for the winner of each category gets an "autographed photo" of the band/band member wearing their design plus 3rd prize
3rd prize gets a character of choice draawn in my style

You can enter by commenting, PMing, or e-mailing me-just make sure you notify me telling where you posted your art(or just send a link or the actual picture to my email).



You should know the feeling...

When you finish your homework and set it before you on a nice clean desk;
When you finish that computer program you've been working on for 36 hours straight;
When you finish a page for a new manga you came up with the night before...
Yup, you know that feeling when something similar to these scenarios above happen to ya. I was in bed reading a manga I had since elementary school and i look up and look at my closed laptop-what do I see? A new detailed sketch for an insert for my main comic and dream: G33K!! It was then that I had a plan...

...but you're not gonna know it yet! (heart)

-a blissful KaidaFaye

KaidaFaye Looks Like Rainbow Sherbet!!! Details Below

I finally dyed my hair! But now I look like a stereotypical J-Rocker, but that's alright with me-I'm Asian, I'm aloud =D
Sorry, I thought I was gonna post more of my manga and sketches, but i'm just final exams killed me! But I was exempt from my English and Algebra II stuff, so I'm feeling better than most. When I'm done with this post, maybe I'll add another sketch? I uploaded my sketchbooks onto my Facebook, so I already have them on my computer, but the one upload per 24hrs is so stupid-then i get lazy and forget to upload. Is it the same with you guys?
Well, tell me what's up with you guys!
Subscribe, PM, comment, E-mail, poke, tickle, and/or love me!
-a happy/out of it KaidaFaye