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Comic Full Speed Ahead!!

Thu Jul 30, 2009, 2:42 PM

* Mood: Not Impressed
* Listening to: "LIFE"-Kimaguren
* Eating: Celery with peanut butter and raisins
* Drinking: Orange Juice

Full speed ahead, since I only have about two weeks left to finish the line art for the pages. Started working on the new cover last night, but Minto and I still think it could be better...I don't have any other good ideas =< I'm aiming for finishing three pages today, to bring me up to page 13; then another 3 pages tomorrow.

When I'm done with the line art for the new cover and a line art of an alternative cover, I'll upload both and will beg you guys to say which you would be more likely to pick up. Please cooperate =D Because, I have a feeling Minto wants to get this done more than I do <3 Good thing she's my editor, or else I would've done absolutely nothing regarding this promo. Thanks, Mo!


Fatali-Getting Ready for Launch!!

Just a heads up-start looking forward to some comic pages soon. Due to stress relief, I've been drawing up a storm on random excellent drafts. Then I thought:
"Hey, I can put all this energy into my comics, like my slice-of-life comic G33K!! and my action/fantasy comic Fatali."
So yeah, there ya go-once I find my camera cord, I'll upload the pics from my camera of my sketches. My bro owes me a couple of favours, so the comic pages will be scanned in, kk?
~a happy-go-lucky KaidaFaye
