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Serial Cat Killer in Miami, Fl

Wed Jun 10, 2009, 8:16 PM

* Mood: Mortified
* Listening to: "Bury Me In Black"-My Chemical Romance

Apparently since May, there's a serial cat killer going around Miami killing pet cats--skinning and gutting them--and leaving them on the owners' lawns...So far about 25 have been killed. There's a reward for turning the guy in, about $2500-$3500(the number and reward depends on what article you read), but I think it should be more. Is it a Satanist? I dunno, I just hope he won't decide to go to more animals humans or to other cities/towns in Florida...this state just keeps getting better and better DX Poor cats...*looks at own cat*

And for my own sick humour, it reminded me of Final Fantasy Tactics--there's a bounty on this person's head. If I was in the FF world, I would totally be a bounty hunter. As for my brother's sick humour, he said he kind of understands if the cats were in heat... =D/D=

Here's a link from one of the local newspapers-Palm Beach Post Website

Fatali-Getting Ready for Launch!!

Just a heads up-start looking forward to some comic pages soon. Due to stress relief, I've been drawing up a storm on random excellent drafts. Then I thought:
"Hey, I can put all this energy into my comics, like my slice-of-life comic G33K!! and my action/fantasy comic Fatali."
So yeah, there ya go-once I find my camera cord, I'll upload the pics from my camera of my sketches. My bro owes me a couple of favours, so the comic pages will be scanned in, kk?
~a happy-go-lucky KaidaFaye

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