Price of Freedom 2

I don't remember much after Alice died. I don't want to. I haven't asked Leo how we managed to survive. He has his own demons from that day. I remember the landlord kicking us out. He said pets can't stay without an owner. He didn't even have any sympathy for us. Leo wasn't a street cat. He clung to me and wouldn't let me oit of his site. He cried for Alice constantly. I remember feeling numb.

I woke from nightmares every night with tears streaming down my face and her name on my lips. Sometimes I swore I could smell her scent...but then it would turn into her blood. If it wasn't for Leo I would have killed myself to be with her. But she never would have forgiven me if I gave up like that.

One night I saw a wolf girl bolting down an ally. She was being chased by a group of hybrids. My curiosity got the best of me and I followed. "Rebel scum! Get back here and fight us! Why do you get in our way?! You have seen what the humans do to us!" They were alphas. Something in me snapped and I attacked them. The wolf girl was shocked. After I took the first guy down she jumoed in. Together we finished off the little group. "Why did you help me?" I glared at her. "They are Alphas. The destroied everything I loved. I hate them more than I hate the humans!" She cocked her head at me. "You hate humans...and Alphas?" Leo called out for me. I didn't want him to see this so I ran back to him.

The girl followed me. "You have a kitten." Leo was glaring at her. "I helped you..that doesn't mean I want to be your friend. Go back to whatever dumpster you came from." She crossed her arms. "I happen to be a rebel. I followed you because I was going to ask if you wanted to join us." I growled a warning. "Not interested. " She sighed. "You don't have to fight, but you should do it for the kid. It will give you and him a safe place to stay." She turned away. "You can follow me if you want to. I promise you that if you do it will be good for the kid." She walked off.

Leo was looking up at me. "Dp you think she was telling the truth?" I turned and followed her scent. "If she wasn't I'll kill her. " Leo shivered in my arms. The wolf was waiting by a sewage drain. "'re smart for a cat. Come on then. You'll need me to get into the city." I raised an eyebrow. "City?" She smiled. "You would be surprised at what we have done...even in the sewer we have found a way."

She was right. It was a city. If I had known such a place existed I would have brought Alice here...maybe she would still be alive if I had. "Down here we have apartments, and places to work. We even have a school for kids." We passed a big building. "That is Sylvia's headquarters. She is our leader." I snorted. "Simon's twin sister." The wolf girl whirled on me. "How did you know that?!" I glared into her eyes. "I used to be an Alpha."