Price of Freedom 2

It had been 3 years since Alice had taken me in. Evey day had been like a dream. Unfortunately, outside of our tiny apartment the fighting only escalated. Alphas were attacking humans in broad daylight now. They weren't just going for important people. They killed innocents, and took hostages. Women...children...babies. it didn't matter to them because they were humans. It made my stomach churn. I could have been like that. Whenever Alice or Leo came into the room I would change the channel. I didn't want them to be exposed to any of that.

"Meeko...Leo, I'm home!" Leo burst into the room at full tilt and hugged her. "ALICE!" I saw her wobble and yanked him off. "Easy're getting too big to be doing that." He gave me a pouty face. Alice only smiled, but I noticed she looked tired. "Let me put the groceries away love. And don't worry about dinner tonight ok?" She blushed and nodded. Leo made a face. "MeMe-Nii is gonna cook..."

After I was finished the both sat down. "Wow Meeko! This all looks amazing!" Alice had a huge smile when she said that. I watched her take a bite, and instantly make a dash for the restroom." I jumped up and followed her. "Alice?! Are you ok?!" Leo slyly slid his plate away. "I knew anything MeMe-Nii made would be poison."

When I entered the bathroom I found her bent over the toilet. "D...don't come in. I...I don't want you to see. I'm so sorry Meeko." I smiled and gently pulled her hair back. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left my lady all alone in her time of need?" I saw her smile for a second before she threw up more. "You've been tired lately. Now you're throwing up. Maybe you should go see a doctor? " She looked up at me, and I saw fear in her eyes. "I...I can't." I frowned. "What is it Alice?" She grabbed tightly to my shirt and I saw her eyes fill with tears. "Meeko...I...I'm pregnant!"

I just sat there. There were so many emotions at once. I couldn't say anything. I was shocked, and then happy, and then I was scared. "Meeko, what are we gonna do? Our relationship. If people find out. What will they do to our baby?!" I held her in my arms and placed my chin gently on top of her head. "I'll tell you what we're going to do." I felt her stiffen in my arms. "We're going to have a baby." She looked up at me, and I saw her real smile. The one I loved so much.