Care for a Wander?

Okay, ya' motha's, who do I want to be? I sure as heck don't know. Man. This is hard. Kind of fun. Kind of exciting. But also difficult because I can't decide to have super powers. And I want them.
Ugh. Whatever. I have all summer to figure out who I want to be and how I will be that person. I think I've been trying on different personalities. Like, I love to dance, so I go out to parties. But I'm uncomfortable around strangers, or even people I only know slightly. I don't like sharing my personal life with lots of people because I've grown up a private person and it makes me uncomfortable. I'm very restrained because sometimes I say weird things and people are like, "You are creepy."
So there's another problem. I've spent too much of my life trying to stand out. So I tend to do and say weird things. But sometimes they're troubling because, ha ha! if you haven't found out already, I have a perverted mind, personality, and life. Perverted as in way off-kilter.