TIME Academy

Chapter 17: Even If I Don't Remember


I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately as my heart raced. I wasn’t sure if she could feel my heart against her as I ran my hands up her sides pulling her shirt up a little as I did. I wanted to tease her. Considering that she hurt her head I didn’t want to push her, but it didn’t mean that I couldn’t go and have my fun.

I put my hands under her shirt and pulled her shirt up a bit she jumped and I pulled away concerned.

“Are you alright?” I asked her.

“I’m fine.” She said and I looked at her.

“Are you sure?” I said as I gently pushed her down on to my bed.

I didn’t want to push her. I’ve waited this long for her I think I can manage longer. But every time she would flirt with me it would make it harder and harder. I gently kissed her neck and ran the kisses down her smooth flat stomach to her belt line and then back up to her soft lips. This beautiful body and mind of Katara she was my world, my everything; I would do anything for her. I felt her shudder a little under my self and I pulled away and smiled.

I could see that she was still a bit scared, but she put a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down for another kiss. I pushed against her and turned the simple kiss into a deep and passionate kiss. This time she pushed back coming out of her shell a little. I smiled against her lips as I felt her hands run lightly up and down the sides of my body. I put my hands under her and flipped us so that she was on top of me. She jumped a little when I did that. But I took my hands and brought them to in front of her and started massaging her breasts through her bra.

I smiled when I got a small moan out of her then a blush instantly spread across her cheeks. Which made me laugh a little and a kept going with the massage, occasionally actually touching her breast flesh that was popping out of her bra a little. She leaned down and kissed me passionately. This beautiful women that was laying down on top of me I was so glad that she was mine. It was so easy for her to turn me on when she was tease me over the years. I could feel our hearts race in unison as we kissed. I wanted to try and see if I could so I pulled my right hand out from between us and went to her back and undid the clasp on her bra.

Katara instantly pulled away and I knew right then and there that we were done. She was still too shy to go any further.

“I’m s-sorry Hei.” Her face was beat red as she covered her chest with her arms.

I smiled at her sweetly and brushed someone her hair out of her face. “It’s alright sweetie I understand. We can try again some other time.” I told her.

She shook her head and tears started to form on the corner of her eyes. “There probably won’t be a next time.” She said.

This made my heart skip a beat. Was she going to break up with me? What did I do? Did I push her too hard? I had so many questions running though my head I didn’t know what to say I was probably laying there looking like an idiot.

“It’s not you…it’s a stupid potion that Doc gave me.” She started to cry.

“Katara, please don’t cry when did he give you it?” I asked trying to calm her down as I redid the clasp on her bra.

“I…I think when he gave me tea…” She sniffled and I wiped away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

“What was the potion for?” I asked still a bit confused with what she was telling me.

“It, it was to make my dream come true for a day I think.” She answered still a bit shaky.

“what was your dream?” I asked just making sure that I was right with what I was thinking and it being where we are dating.

“I, I really, really like you Hei…I want to go out with you, but not because of a stupid potion that Doc made. I know that your shy and quiet, but I know now that you will eventually come out of that shy stutter that you have.” She smiled a little trying to explain everything to me.

“So is this all a dream then?” I was a bit sad with what she was telling me. Yes I was shy and quiet when we first met, but apparently I’m still like that. “But we’ve known each other for years.” I mentioned.

“No we haven’t, we’ve only known each other for two months.” She corrected. “You and everyone else won’t even remember any of this tomorrow.” She cried sitting up.

I gently pulled her back down and hugged her. “It will be okay Katara. Even if I don’t remember any of this, you will. Just please don’t tell me until we actually do start dating then.” I asked her.

She nodded, “ Do you really think we will date?” She questioned.

“Of course we will. Just give me some time to come out of my shell and I’m positive that we will actually date.” I answered with a gentle smile.

“T-Thank you Hei.” She said and lightly kissed me.

I pulled away from her. “You’re going to turn me on again. I was just starting to settle down.” I laughed lightly letting her sit back up and I grabbed her shirt for her.

Her face turned beat red as she put her shirt back on. “I-I’m so sorry.” Was all she could say.

“I thought that I was supposed to be the one stuttering.” I laughed a little. “Can you get off of my please so I can grab my shirt and go to the bathroom?” I asked her.

I don’t know if her face could get even more red with her realizing that she was straddling me with her legs. She quickly got off and pinned her hands between her thys.

“S-Sorry.” She stuttered.

I got up and snatched my shirt up from off the ground and put it back on. Then I turned towards her and kissed her deeply as I squeezed on of her breasts through her shirt. After I pulled away I smiled, “Just because I won’t remember anything doesn’t mean I can’t make if something that you’ll never forget.” I stated with a sly smile then pulled away from her and went off to the restroom.

...To Be Continued...