TIME Academy

Chapter 21: Confession time anyone?


‘Everything that she just said…did it really happen? No, no don’t think about that right now you idiot she just spilled her guts to you and now she’s crying.’ I thought to myself and quickly stood up from my spot and went over and hugged her. “P-please d-don’t cry.” I held onto her. “I-I’m not j-judging you.”

I felt her hug me back. “I thought that you were going to run from me.” She stated.

“N-no I w-won’t run. I’m tired or r-running from things.” I’ve decided that if I’m going to try to get to know people I can keep running away for things that I feel uncomfortable around.

“Sorry…I didn’t want to just tell you…but it just slipped out.” She told me and we separated from each other.

“I-it’s okay. I’m glad you did.” I said.

“What?” She asked shocked.

“T-telling someone h-how you feel is hard. A-and if that’s h-how you feel then I can at least try r-right?” I said more to myself then to Katara for the last part.

“Um…t-try? ‘Katara asked.

“T-to open up more.” She just smiled up at me.

“Clearly I’m not going anywhere.” She said.

I smiled a little back and sat back down on my bed. “So um…you were pretty serious with Doc back there. It’s alright. It was my fault it happened anyways.” Katara stated as she fiddled with her hands.

I really didn’t want to talk about it so I tried to changed the subject. “T-the assistant…I’ve seen him before. B-but Doc’s never around when that guy is there.” In fact the assistant looked a lot like my older brother. Well when I last saw him I was little and he had short hair. I want to bring it up to Doc, but at the same time I’m kind of scared to. I don’t want to be told that it’s not really my brother and just a look alike.

“It’s odd. He seemed sort of like Doc, but much younger, and, well…more handsome.” Katara answered. I really didn’t know how to take that. She just confess her love to me then call’s the assistant handsome. Than again we weren’t dating so I can’t say anything.

“M-maybe I should ask him.” I finally said quietly.

She seemed to be thinking so I just sat there quietly till she said something. “Hei…what if, he is doc? Are you sure you haven’t seen a guy with dark hair and golden eyes around where doc usually is? Maybe he takes a potion to make himself appear younger?” She suggested.

“M-maybe…I guess I should go and see him shouldn’t I?” That was the only way that I was going to questions answered.

“Can I come? Or should I stay?” Katara asked a bit timid.

I looked away from her a little embarrassed. “Y-you can come. I don’t mind.” I said then stood up. “I-I sound go now w-while it’s still on my mind.”

“Alright. And if it is Doc I’ll kill him myself.” She sounded determined. Of course I would be too if I was the one that it happened to.

I smiled a little and grabbed my keys then left with Katara towards the school to Doc’s office.

We didn’t say anything to each other as we walked back to the school. It was strange having someone else with me like this. I know that we’re not dating or anything, but I think things will be a bit awkward between us for a while. That can’t really be helped.

I knocked on the door and then poked my head in. “C-can I talk to you?” I asked. With knowing that Katara was with me I couldn’t stop stuttering. This was going to be a long conversation.

I walked in and Katara followed right after. “So, what was your advice to me before about me liking Hei? Please remind me, I seem to have forgotten.” Katara spoke bluntly.

This made Doc quickly sit up in his chair and he looked pale. Almost as if he was going to be sick. “W-what do you mean?” He asked.

“Are you okay? Y-you look like you’re going to be sick.” I commented.

As if almost on que Doc started leaning against his desk again and breathing a bit heavy. “I’m fine.” He answered but I went around to him and put a hand on his back. “N-no you’re not. W-what’s wrong?”

“I just haven’t worked out all the side effects yet.” He coughed and his hair started darkening to black and getting longer.

I didn’t know what to do or say. I just ended up standing there like an idiot. After he finished changing he calmed down a bit and it fell silent between us.

“I knew it.” I looked over to the door to see Katara cross her arms. “You did give me the tea knowing what it would do. Clever disguise.”

I looked down at him and he looked back up at me with his golden eyes. No this wasn’t a disguise Doc was really my brother Daniel. But why would he lie to me?

He looked back at Katara. “This isn’t a disguise. This is what I really look like.” He stated.

“How can I believe you?” Katara acted suspiciously. She had every right to be suspicious. She didn’t know Dan and all she’s really known is Doc.

“I can show you my drivers license and birth certificate.” He answered.

“B-but why would you lie…” I asked him.

“It was the only way to get out of the foster homes. They wouldn’t let me when I was younger because they thought I was irresponsible and wouldn’t be able to take care of both of us.” He replied with kindness and caring in his eyes.

“But I thought that you were never going to come.” I stated “I thought I lost you a long time ago.” I said quietly trying not to cry.

“When I was twenty I tried to get you out but they wouldn’t let me saying that I didn’t make enough money to support you since you fell into depression during the years and your doctor visits were expensive and so were your meds.” He explained. I felt really bad about this. It was my fault that we couldn’t be back together.

I heard the door open and saw that Katara was trying to leave before I could say anything Dan beat me to it. “No Katara you don’t have to leave. I’m sorry for lying to you earlier.” He apologized.

“You’re a good brother.” She looked sad. I didn’t understand.

“No not really. If I was a good brother I wouldn’t have lied to my little brother.” He answered.

“Y-you were only trying to get us back together.” I responded.

“You stayed with him. And looked out for him. You’re a better sibling than me.” She looked away.

“W-what do you mean?” I asked her. I thought that she was an only child.

“I don’t think she wants to talk about it right now.” Dan told me as he grabbed a piece of candy from the bowl on his desk and popped it in his mouth.

Katara looked at me. “You haven’t read my file?”

I shook my head “M-me, no.”

“Me, yes. I’ve read everyone’s files.” Dan responded.

“Of course you’re the headmaster. I can’t bring myself to tell you right now Hei. But you can read it or ask Doc. You deserve to know after my first confession.” She told me and turned her back to Dan and me.

Dan snorted and I looked at him, “I can’t believe you confessed to him so quick.” It was out of instinct that I smacked his arm.

“Quick?” She quickly turned around “You think it was quick?!”

“You just went through a day with him.” He responded.

I felt my face heat up and I looked down at my feet away from the both of them. I didn’t remember any of it. Why was it only Dan and Katara that remembered?