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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Birthday wrap up/ contest entry progess

Hey guys!

Thank you Angel Zakuro and noirassasin for the birthday wishes, cards and gifts! I really appreciate all the love. (huge huggles for you both)

My birthday was pretty good for the most part. Me and my dad went up to King of Prussia mall and shopped around. I went to hot topic and got me some shirts and some really cool pants with lacing on the sides. Everything I got was on sale (cheapskate) so I was really happy! I also got Kuroshitsuji manga, I wanted to get some yaoi but since my dad was buying it I sorta not got any (weeps). I wanted too but it would have been weird ya know? XD I FINALLY got a router so I can get online with my ps3! Oh and I got Grand theft auto 4, the game is hilarious. Its so much cussing and crude humor it ridiculous! I have to invest more time doing missions rather then running people over and robbing them for cash. XD

When I got home my sister got me balloons and my final package had finally come! My resin book and molds were in there as well as a special surprise of a free pair of earrings! They are yellow/orange dangle earrings which is perfect for my new hello kitty yellow shirt. When I give the feed back for my items I have to tell the seller how happy she made me. I will admit I was feeling kinda bummed the first half of the day since I wanted to do something with my friend for my birthday. I was kinda dreading this since last month since I don’t have friends that live around me. (not to mention my hermit/loner nature) >__>… uuuuggghhhh *needs to make more friends irl*… BUT besides all that I had a very good birthday (should of have gotten more stuff since my dad was buying everything XD) the best one I had in a few years since money was REALLY scarce (yay >:| ).

As for my contest entry, its coming along pretty good. I’M FINALLY DONE CAT BOY COLORING AND ALL. I haven’t colored anything in Photoshop for months so I was really rusty with my coloring. I would of token some time to color something else to get me back up to speed but time is starting to run out. So he was my “guinea pig” of coloring fast yet effective looking cell shade stlye. AT THE END I found (or remembered) the gradient style of coloring I like to do. It looks good for the most part but not what I originally wanted. Now I’m on my Manga witch-ling doing the first shadows on her in sai. Thank GOD I made her pose and design simpler. She should be a breeze to do. I’ll finish up her coloring in the morning and add the finish touches to both of them. Then I’ll be 90% DONE. I’ll add a border to the picture it self and finally submit it for all to see. I’m going to submit the characters by themselves too (more of a selection for them and a better change at me winning). SOOOOOO you should finally see them in two days tops.

So yeah, my inactiveness is because of my entry. Things should pick up shortly after.

Oh yeah, I haven’t forgot about my friendly feature! I’m still going to do it once I’m done with the contest. XD

Have a good night guys!
