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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Another wip

Aye guys I just wanted to throw up another wip of my latest picture since I’m having a good time with it so far!

In the inking process I usually use the pen tool but I decided to try the “ink pen” tool instead. MAN I love it. It gets the lines the proper curve and line weight the way I like it. I have to go over some of the line art of the clothes again but I’m pretty happy how it’s all turning out. I can’t wait to try my hand at cell shading again too. I tried it about 2 days ago and didn’t like it much (I have to post that too) since sai has a HUGE learning curve but I’m going to keep trying.

On another wip note, I’m almost done my chunky macaroon ds charm! I just have to attach everything together and take pictures; you guys are going to love it I promise! Today I was thinking about other accessories I could make myself like rings and such. Then the awesome idea of a cream puff necklace with a spoon sticking out of it came to me. I totally love that idea, and then I could make ear rings and a bracelet to match. It’s a shame because there won’t be many warmer days left for me to show off my works haha.

One last thing that I need to do is that cute meme that’s been going around. I got it in word I just need to edit some parts. XD

That’s about all it. I’ll make a real post soon as well as finish some of my works that I started. See you guys later!



I just got done adding the “cream” to my latest sweets deco for myself.

I call it the “chunky macaroon ds charm”, since it’s for my ds but the macaroons a bit too big thus the “chunky” part. It’s not even done yet, I have SO MUCH MORE to add, consider this a preview! ;D

But man it was so much fun getting back into it and piping the whip cream. It’s the best piping I ever did yet, it doesn’t look messy or anything! It’s good to see I am getting better despite my “break”. I even added crystals to the cream which I tried to do before and failed. They weren’t in the cream enough so they were easy to pick off, but this time I made sure they were in enough and not just sitting on top of the cream. I really have to thank tweezers for that. That really turned my process around and made it “mess free” and painless.

Now I want to make more accessories for myself since doing this project was small, fun, and manageable. Rather then try to make a bunch of stuff all at the same time which can get really stressful. I might make smaller macaroons except they will be black and red for my punk outfits. Ahh, the possibilities are endless and they feel really good!

Other then that life has been okay for the most part. My mood was jumping around a lot about a week or 2 ago but it stabilized finally. My friend Brandon took me out to Ihop 2 weeks ago and gave me his R4 card for the ds, which means FREE GAMES! He also gave me a digimon game the last time he came over and he said he’ll get me sims 3 for the ps3 as an early x-mas present. FFFFFF I love my friends, he treats me so well. The day he took me to Ihop he brought me some cold stone ice cream, when we were going to his house. The ice cream was TOO GOOD, I kinda wished I worked there. I mean come on, making and selling ice cream? The only thing that deters me is the “costumer service” part. :P

On the art side of things. My latest picture I’m working on (the sweets one) is 50% done. I just need to do the line art and color the character and then I’m done. I would have got it done faster but I didn’t want to rush it. I want to work on it when I’m inspired and happy so I can give it my all since it’s a B-day picture after all. XD I worked on another quick picture in sai and I don’t like it that much (coloring blending issues). I was going to submit it but it was too big so I’ll throw it in photoshop instead to edit it. I’ll probably won’t work on any art till night time since I’m most inspired then.

That’s about it. I’m so excited and happy today! I want to continue this good mood till the day I die. Thanks for reading guys and sorry for not commenting lately. =__=0

wips and birthdays


I’ve been struck by an huge inspiration (my latest is cookie hana, love her stuff) for days so I have a influx of pictures I’m working on.

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Me in a devil costume. ;3;

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Another picture of me, I'll probably use this for my new world header.

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The picture I'm working on NOW. Sai's brushes are a total bitch to get use too. I'm a PS user mostly so when I want to blend something I can just use the smudge tool. But sai is more complex with much different rules depending on the brush you use so yeahh. I am getting use to it though. ;3;


Whose birthday is coming up? I want to know so I can make a B-day picture on TIME FOR ONCE. I know a few friends of mine are coming in the next month or so but I want to make a list. ;3;


My mind just exploded…

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for everyone who commented, hugged, and etc. Out of all my pictures this one is worthy of a feature not because I love it myself but I made it for Sayura’s birthday! I feel 10 times more honored because of that.

I could go on forever but I don’t want this to be an endless speech.


Dear human race on the internet

I’m just going to say it like this…

If you’re stupid enough to give away “personal information” to someone you probably don’t know from a can paint, you deserve whatever backlash that comes to you… ALL OF IT… >:|

ALSO if you participated in the whole “adult chat” with this pedo your either one of two things: Your really “out there” that needs to go to the appropriate site to do it or 2 You really are retarded and probably should wait a few years to gain COMMON SENSE.

And this rabid pedo needs to go to jail seriously. You’ll get plenty of tail in the jail cell and it won’t be from a women. WTF is wrong with people?


Is it me or my "rage doodles" are getting more ragey every time I draw them...?