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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Positive Power Make Up!

Sorry that I haven’t been super active lately. My sister have been using the computer more as well as I’ve been trying to spend more tell off the computer, doing more things that makes me super happy.

In the last few weeks I was working on myself inside and out. Really digging deep into the things I truly enjoy. Like my recent ATC’s, after many years I actually used more then one traditional medium and even used watercolor!

I’ve been clearing away a lot of negativity and negative thoughts that I hold day to day. When I sat down and really pick through the thoughts I think and my overall mindset, I see how it was really holding me back from true happiness.

Like my competitiveness, annoyances, wanting to be the best, the injustice I feel towards things have more of an affect on me in all areas of my life, more then I realized. My creativity and my ability to experiment have been capped for years. My constant yet subconscious worry of what people thinks of me and my pictures have been one of the biggest problems. I have been holding tons of negative energies from the internet for years. I decided to be the captain of my own ship and release such silly nonsense. I made sure that any negativity that I see or read on the internet stayed there.

I have to admit its been doing wonders and I feel so free! I have many things I want to draw, experiment, and coloring traditionally have been fun for me once again! Another thing that I’ve been doing is being ultra positive and not letting anything less come through to me. Oh, man some nights I can’t even sleep because I am so excited for the days ahead and how bright I picture myself in life. Even things that use to make my blood boil I can pick out what I like from it and move on from it. Even when I let myself get upset over something I do my damnest to get back into that positive groove. I hate being grouchy and annoyed over something, it makes my whole life feel like a jail cell. I can’t see the big picture and my ego/negative based thoughts starts creeping in. >_<

But when let myself be happy and focus just on that, I feel so radiant! Like nothing can stop me, there’s no competition, and there’s no rush to do anything, I just go with the flow and everything is completely right in the world!

Besides all that I’ve been working on pictures and things that are making me happy! Including a secret project that I decided not to tell you guys about till it’s done. I just got done the first part of it last night. I’m totally in love with it and I’m seeing amazing potential in it!

I also went on a craft run and got the cutest paper edge punch possible! It’s a lacey heart design, and its sooo awesome and girly! I can’t use it. >_<

Thanks for reading guys!


Yesterday was such a great day!

Since the weather was so nice I decided to get out the house and have some much needed fun! I left out around11AM after I posted my nyaf moon background. It was really early for me since I usually leave around 12-1PM for my outings. I went straight to downtown and ate at Bento Tokyo that’s in the underground of the city. OMG their food is SO good and fresh it totally set the mood for my whole day! I had their seafood udon, which is really thick noodles in a light broth that had some octopus, squid, clams, and veggies in it. It also came with a really yummy salad for an appetizer. I completely fell in love when I tasted the broth. It was just a PERFECT meal.

After I ate there I went to borders to see if I wanted some manga. Well, I have to say I haven’t been so excited over mangas in 3 years. There were a lot of titles that I wanted! A lot of them to my surprise were shoujo titles. Since I’ve been watching yumeiro patissiere my ultra sugary core have been leaking out into my taste in manga. XD The cheesy romantic isn’t as damning as it use to be to me. Then I LOVE the style of shoujo, the big eyes, excessive use of sparkle tones and the general lay out of panels (almost crowded with lots of tones and angles) makes me want to buy it. The only thing about it was the damn people sitting/standing in the aisle reading manga. The aisle is not wide or long so it was a pain in the ass to wait for folks to move or to say excuse me to get to one end to the other. At the end I didn’t buy manga but brought books on chakras, spiritual marketing, and a book light!

I wanted to see if I there was good dvds I can get my dad for father’s day so I went to FYE that was across the street. I asked about Godzilla movies (my dad LOVES Godzilla) to an associate there and he lead me to another lady that lead me to the movies. The lady associate saw my hoodie vest that had unicorns on it and she started talking about the movie “the last unicorn”. I never saw the movie myself but she took me over the kid movies where it was at. There were tons of old school cartoon dvds that I loved as a child, so looked around to see a Looney Toons dvd collection! My brain exploded when I saw the sweet price of 25 bucks! Me and my dad LOVE Looney Tunes and we often talk about so I KNEW THIS WAS MEANT TO BE. >:D I did see some good Godzilla movies after the fact but there was no way I would let this LT DVD out of my hands. XD I got some almond crushed pocky and went to the check out. To my surprise the DVD was even cheaper at 15 bucks! I love when things come together!

The rest of the day was just as awesome. I went to a new frozen yogurt place and found ice cream place across the street from it. I took the bus to penns landing and read a bit there. The damn bugs were using me as landing pad but I still got a good read out of my books. While walking to the subway I got more ATC blanks for 2 bucks each! When I got home it was just before 8PM. Then this morning I felt so damn blissful even though I had a dream about going back to vanguard. WTF D:

Thanks for reading! Sorry that this was so long, have a great day guys. XD

The nyaf results

Is REALLY disappointing… Not because I didn’t win but the overall finalists… FFFFF, okay I was trying to be a little mature about this but I’m going to say it how it is. Half the finalist entries are not tha...

Read the full post »


Man what a week.

I had to go to the animal hospital on Tuesday because my guinea pig Caramel sneezed blood that night before. I don’t have to say how emotionally f**ked I was about the whole thing, Luckily the next day I went to the animal hospital to see if anything was wrong with her and she came out fine thank god. The vet said she was a healthy guinea pig but said I can get her an appointment to run tests on her. I still have to make that appointment. Caramel is eating, moving, peeing, pooping just fine even at the night of so I don’t know if it’s something serious or not. I was and still am worried about her and vets are crazy expensive. That ONE visit cost $114 dollars. Another appointment will be that and the tests will be on top of the base $114. I’m stuck on the whole thing. I want to get her another appointment since my dad will help me pay but if I find out that she’s fine that’s money down the drain. Caramel been coughing and sneezing for a few months now but I’m not sure if that has anything to do with anything. Animals are so damn complicated. I really do hate that s**t.

I haven’t been on the computer much thus I’m not active here this pass week or so. Sorry I’ve haven’t been commenting and replying like I usually do. It’s been a crazy HOT week and on top of my pet situation I’ve been doing a total clean up of my house. I also felt like I should spend more time off the computer and doing other things like planning for my business. I wanted to spend some time drawing, coloring, designing, and thinking about how I’m going to market myself and my business. I barely did ANYTHING IN THAT DEPARTMENT. Really, I wrote a few things that I should focus on like strictly making clay cakes and sticking them on s**t. I mean, I know it was a hot week and I don’t do much in weather like that but I’m so frustrated with everything at this moment. I feel like I got nothing done. I haven’t did anything thing with my heart girl picture or my business logo either. At the same time this has been an insane week and I should be much easier on myself. I had to go somewhere and do something almost every day that involves being outside burning the hell up. Or cleaning walls, dusting, straitening things up in the house. So it’s not like I sat on my ass all week. I was up doing something for the house, pet, and family.

(Just put caramel on my lap)

She’s acting just fine trying to eat the desk hehe. I don’t know what it is with guinea pigs but when I’m upset and hold caramel a lot of the negative emotions go away. It was the same thing with my first guinea pig Road Kill. He was amazing, if I was upset and held him all the negative emotions in me would melt away like they never existed. God I miss him…

I also been realizing (okay not really but you get the point) that I want to find another male companion. >A< It’s hard to say that… I thought I was going to be happy being single again. I’m not depressed or anything but I want that companionship again. I want some one to appreciate me, take me out, spoil me and share their interests with. I want to do the same with someone else but I feel like I’m setting myself up again. Guys are just soo… UGH. (rips hair out)

Anyway, I don’t mean to make such a stress filled post, I think everything kind of bottled up inside me at once a few hours ago.

LAST CALL FOR THE OC SLEEP OVER! Throw down your OC’s in comments and I’ll draw them at a sleep over other people’s OC’ss. I should have that done during the week.

One more thing…

JOIN ANGEL ZAKURO’S FAN ART CONTEST! You get to draw a super cool character from her favorite novel!

Join the OC Sleep over!

Sorry to spam but...

I'm still doing my special art raffle where I draw the characters having a sleep over. I only have one taker and that's no fun. D':

JOIN IT MY LOVES. JOIN IT. (angrily points at comment box)

I am done spamming you now... >8D

Be cool and join it.

I lied.. >:|