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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Back on track

Hey guys!

How is everyone’s weekend going? Mines are going pretty smoothly despite my less then happy week.

No, my ex still made no attempt to contact me. His phone was finally on yesterday and I called numerous times with no answer. I finally left yet another voice mail telling him to get his stuff and I’m moving on. After that I wrote him a long e-mail about everything. How I can’t be there for him if he won’t talk to me. How I have to move on and etc. I’ll probably post it if he doesn’t reply back. I added in the title to please reply back so I know he got it. I also put it in his IM just in case he’s not trying to look in his e-mail. We’ll see what happens.

Yesterday, I went through a really rough rut. I felt like everything was simply going down hill (more then the ex too). My world has token a big hit and somehow I forgot my way, sort of. I knew inside that I still wanted to make a career out of my creativity as a whole but I felt myself become more hesitant about it. About everything. Was what I was doing right or even worth it? I haven’t felt that bad in a long time. I’m not the kind to wallow too deep in my sorrows, so I took a nap and told myself when I wake up, shit WILL be different.

I woke up still feeling “blah” but I told myself over and over that I can do it and make my dreams come true. Even though I still felt that hesitance I set that aside and kept my focus. I won’t let anything take my dreams away, not even myself. I also have to remember what good is going on with my life as well. My dad is living with me and my family now (older sister and mother). He retired from his job where he worked for 22 years. My dad finally has us to take care of him and vice versa. My mom and sister was so stressed that their hair started falling out last year before he came. Both saw hair growing back the last month or two.

I myself and my sister were lucky enough to have my dad live with us since we don’t have jobs, so the pressure isn’t huge like it was before. We both can focus on building our businesses and dreams.

My creations have been getting better and I’m expanding my art horizons, friends, and networking around the web. My contest is a big hit and even Gadriann asked me if it was okay if she upload some comics based on Otaku Battle Royal!

So everything is far from bad depending what you look at 90% of the time. As long as I keep my focus, dreams, and friends close I’m pretty sure I’ll achieve more then what I asked for.

I also want to mention how lucky I am to know the people I do. You guys, other people on the net, and my best friend ranz (forgot his fake name I gave him). You all really made things 10x easier to handle this week. And I can’t thank you all enough for it. :3

So yeah free art raffle to show my thanks plus I’m up to it, anyone can join I don’t care. :3

Blahness and art raffle

What a day…

I’m totally having those blah days. Those days were you don’t even give a hoot. Those days where everything seems god awfully dull and uninspiring. I figure it would be a half ass good day since I got a good rest. Well, sort of. I had a crazy urge to draw at midnight so I did just that. I got my sketch book and start drawing. It was pretty fun. I think I forgot to draw and doodle just for the heck of it. And not just to push myself ridiculously far to improve or draw a crazy hard pose.

That night I started to draw myself in the Otaku Battle contest but I stopped when I got done the body and face. I was so afraid to screw it up I figure I can scan what I have and finish it in Photoshop. I’m really proud of myself taking some action on some of my deeper drawing issues. If I have an urge to draw. I’ll just get my sketch book and draw. Whatever it is what good or bad. Then I can practice a pose and not have to worry about messing up the picture or something. It feels good to have real artistic freedom. :3

Anyway, since I was feeling so blah and tired I wanted to stay home but I decided to go to the art store anyway. I wanted some sun and fresh air. I wanted to get some ATC cards. The art store had them but the only brand they had was “fan boy’s” which was disappointing because it only came with 20 cards. I mean if I’m going to pay 4 dollars (rounded off) can I least get more then 20? Meh, at least they came with protectors…While I was there I got some copic multi-liners and eraser caps.

Before I went to the art store I was going to get some manga but I changed my mind… The manga section kinda sucks nowadays beside the yaoi… :/ There wasn’t any that I really wanted. I miss the older mangas. :<

I think that’s it for now. It’s good to pour out my emotions, even the blah ones. :3

I’m having another art raffle starting now! If you entered before you can enter again, I don’t mind. I like drawing different characters. Just don’t put your link to your character either, give a half hearted comment, f I don’t know you. I don’t mind making new friends so don’t be afraid to comment! :3 I’ll make sure to return the favor!

See ya!

bugs, contest, worlds, raffles, crafts, and vitamin D

Morning yall.. (yawn)

Damn, I’m so tired… You know what I love?

When you’re out all day but yet to get a full nights sleep that night. I need to teach my brain to shut up at night. Oh, and I had a visitor last night. IT WAS ON THE WALL NEXT TO MY BED. I hate thousand leggers to death. They creep me out and just freaky looking. I had to get a random long object with a flat surface on the end to kill it long distance, since I’m such a punk. GAH


Holy potato salad my Otaku Battle Royal contest had a bigger turn out then I could image! I only invited about 20-25 people and the last time I looked who faved it was 61, and there is already 3 entries. D: I’m like so floored right now. Thank you for everyone that joined/fav/ or yet to join it really means a lot! I can’t wait to see more entries too but its going to be a sob to judge. I think that’s the part I hate because someone has to win and someone can’t (I don’t want to say “lose”). Maybe, I’ll make a huge thank you picture at the end. I want everyone to feel like winners. Since I made the contest for anyone to join and have fun. Also to get to know more artist around here. Its hard trying to be active and commenting on everyone’s pictures,. Worlds, etc, so why not gather them all in one place! :D

With the contest underway there are other things I want to start doing. I’m thinking of making some simple polymer clay tutorials. Open another world for really good artist resources and tutorials since I love finding tutorials while helping others out. I want to start making scrap book pages of my art and probably paper children. I think it will be pretty fun to try out and I get to expand my horizons. I also want to start doing art raffles (unknown rumors idea). It will be nice practice with other people’s characters. Lastly the ACEO’s (artist trading cards/unknown’s discovery too) because I think snail mail can be fun when ya get stuff!

I went on a craft run yesterday which was pleasant since I’m a freak’n shut in. It was really nice weather so getting there (hour and a half bus ride) was fun. I didn’t get a lot of “fun stuff” to test out like I usually do. This time I got supplies and tools mostly. I did get some water based window paint that I can test with my decoden with ( you can use it for deco sause). I got a mini glue gun so I can finally make some bows I can use for my accessories. I got some ribbon that I haven’t touched since I got them (year ago?) So I should have a lot to work with now.

That’s pretty much it for now….


Craft pictures, contest, and twitter :0

Happy Saturday! Easter! Being alive!

Firstly check out my latest drawings if you missed them! The cup cake lady, Mew Berry, console boys! Show them some love. :3 Now back to our regular journal post.

Well, I figured I update again about my business/crafting progress! Last night I tried sanding and buffing my latest clay creations. I heard it makes anything you make look 10 times better with out glazing it. So I decided to try it and it worked out pretty good.

You know those hats with cat ears on them? Well, I made three of them. One a bunny, cat, and an otaku hat. Here’s a before and after picture.

Now that two of them (cat/otaku hat) has been sanded and buffed, I loved them even more. They have such a nice soft shine too. It took like 20 minutes each to buff them on my pants leg and a random rag in the kitchen.

I also decided to try to take better pictures of my crafts. I notice in the share kitchen in my house is great for taking pictures of my crafts! The room gets filled with natural sunlight and really brings out the detail of my pieces. Usually I have to brighten the pictures in Photoshop so it won’t look so dark but now, I don’t think it will be as necessary.

Everyone knows how important it is to get your name out in the internet crafting world right? So that’s why I signed up to numerous sites and blogs! Of course I haven’t even posted my first entry posts in those blogs but I’m getting there. I want to think up some nice topics first. Here is the list of places that I just signed in.

Live Journal
Blogger <- been had that blog but I’m planning to change it.
Form spring me

Hmm, I just realized how many sites I’m in overall (beside what’s listed). I didn’t think I would have so many ever in my life haha! I still have to fill out the basic information for the ones I just signed into. XD

Did everyone have a good April fool’s day? I didn’t, I was so grouchy that none of the jokes and stuff meant anything too me haha. It was funny but my funny bone was broken that day. (That’s what happens when I get no sleep at night) XC

Lastly, I just made a challenge, The Otaku Battle royal! I invited like tons of people, so don't be surprised if you got an invite. Go check it out if you can.

That’s it for now. Thanks for coming and reading! See you soon.

State ID, Art Muse, FF13, and Traditional Coloring!

Hey and hello! Welcome back. I got a lot of important and awesome things to talk about! This journal post was way overdue but I’m going to list some of the things that happened to me as of late.

I went to the family doctor about getting a referral to a neurologist for weird sensations and chest pains. WELL, he concluded that it probably won’t help and I should talk to a physiologist because of my stresses at work and anxiety. WTF… And to think I was going to get real help… I’m out of work so I’m not stressed like I was and I’m sick of everyone thinking I got some kind of anxiety problem. I don’t have that on a daily bases only when I’m freaked out about my health and not knowing what’s going on. Anyway they said that I was going to be called back to get a heart test but I never heard form them, they also took my blood that same day. It wasn’t that bad but I was sweating bullets the whole time haha!

I got FF13 three weeks ago and I love it! It’s a little slow in the beginning but as the story progress it gets really deep!

I saw my friend (the one that had a crush on me but I didn’t feel the same) about a week ago. I was so happy, so happy in fact that my face hurt by the time he left because I was smiling so damn much! We talked, played video games, and found out that he got fired because he was late a lot. BUT it wasn’t his fault it, was the bus system. The bus would be late or wouldn’t show up at all and that what caused him to be late. I told him how stressful my work was and how I quit and get this. That same day my BF called me and told me that he just got the axe at his job ( the same job I was in)! Oh, and my sister got the axe about three weeks ago (her job screwed her over a lot anyway) I can’t help but feel that even though we all got fired or quit, there is something much better coming our way.

I got my state ID last week! It was a pain in the ass because I had to wait 2 hours just to take the picture and stuff. I wanted to be at the Penndot (what the place is called) when it opened because it’s always crowded but I stayed up the night before. I woke up an hour later then I wanted to but I still manage to get my lazy but up and go. I went there before to try to get the ID but I needed more mail to show my address. SO AWESOME. >:C

The point of getting the ID was so I can get a bank account to link to my paypal. Once I get that done with other little things I should be ready to sell my trinkets! On a crafter’s update, I made more cakes! A coffee and another strawberry one. I really like the strawberry one; I think its one of my favorites so far. I also made donuts with molds and completely hand made ones. I tested out using different ways to give them that toasted look. It all came out well. I just wish it was sunny so I can take really good pictures of them.

I found my muse again in my art. I know I have been trying hard to practice and get better but I found that I’m not as into my drawings as I use to be. Or wanting to color them because I just don’t feel like it. I just didn’t have that kind of connection to make me what to color it. But I found out (again) that when I channel my feelings in my work and draw out myself and how I feel I get that “connection” again and the drive to color it. It’s like I can see all the possibilities in it that I didn’t see before and it makes me to draw more and more. I also learned that I shouldn’t push myself to draw an overly different or difficult post when I do my real drawing sessions at night. It can really take a lot out of me and I should just practice those kinds of things in my smaller note book in the morning.

I’ve been getting into traditional coloring again! I’ve finally tested out my copics on a recent picture I drew (haven’t posted yet) and it’s not half bad. It’s a real learning curve with copics though, since I never use to color with them. I can see myself using them though, I love it. I think I’ll try more flat colors on the next picture. I’ve started coloring my cup cake lady picture with colored pencils. It’s a pain how long it takes but I love the finished product of my coloring. Its been a while since I colored traditionally so getting back into it like I am now makes me feel really good. On that note, I have tons of work doodles and pictures I need to submit!

I think I’ll do another journal later in the week since I have tons of stuff to talk about.

Till then!