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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Crafts update!

Hey guys, how’s its going?

Well, it time for that daily update and I’ve been a little busy bee!

Before I begin I want to say thanks for all the love, hugs, and comments on my last uploads! I feel so loved here, thanks a bunch!

I’ve been shopping for all the supplies and mediums that I wanted to try out and use in the pass two days. Man, did I pay for it yesterday; I wanted to go up to Michaels to grab some resin and such by bus. It took us TWO hours because of the snow and etc. It usually takes about 45-60 minutes depending on traffic. It was night time then too which I didn’t enjoy. Even though I was pretty much angry and hungry through the whole trip it was worth it. And today I got the smooth on mold maker and casting starter kit. I went up to Pearls art store to get some resin molds that I could use today, only find out that they are flat out closed! What a disappointment too, I was really banking on getting some resin molds to test out with. But its cool I’m just glad I’m able to even go out and do this. If these storms didn’t come in and I had work I wouldn’t have had time to get the things I needed.

I have so many ideas too! It seems endless; I really can’t wait to try them all out. What I really what to do is make cell phone charms and such. I have the ink jet shrink paper that I want to test out and coat with resin so it completely waterproof and durable. I love those things and I want to make all kinds of them. I really want to make some TMM ones and my characters.

Beside that I’ve been testing other things like the silicone whip cream. I decided to do another batch including a colored one. It was suppose to be pink but I put too much red oil paint and it came out darker. It was still awesome to work with, I loved it. I even refilled the regular white bag of it to do more designs and make cream sandwiches. I use crystals, small clay parts, and sparkles on them as well, I had a blast. They are all done curing and ready to come off the wax paper. I took picture of them but I’ve yet to edit and put them together. I should do that today and post that tonight. I think you guys will really get a kick out of them.

In other shopping supplies news, I got another deco book off the net and some resin clay molds (for my paper clay). Those molds are expensive too but are well worth it since I won’t have to craft each piece together which I still like to do. But for the smaller filler pieces I would like molds so the work load won’t be so huge. I also got some Japanese language books some I can really study it. It would great to be able to read the deco books one day.

Valentines Day… I love this holiday and I always did. I would always buy chocolates and gifts for my family, friends, etc. But this year I’m so out of sync this year with trying to get craft supplies. I mean, if I wasn’t so caught up with trying to start my business and out trying to get stuff I think I would be more focus on it. It’s not like my other family members gives half a crap. It’s just another holiday to them. But I love it, even if it was only made for people to spend money in stores. I just think its great and I just gotten a boyfriend this year. The one thing that really sickens me is the anti-valentines people. Those that just sulk and bitch about it. I mean it’s not about having a boy or girl friend, it’s about showing some one (anyone) how much you care about them. NOT about if you have a partner or not. Plus, it’s only once a year and it comes then it goes so stop whining. I think I wrote about this last year… Yup, I did, even about the hater people… Funny.

New pictures!

Hey guys!

With my days off I finally had time to submit some art! Even though I’m finally being creative like I want too, I feel completely frustrated with life. I feel like even with the few days off I have, I really don’t have time to do the things I really want to do. Hopefully this feeling will pass soon. (yeah, I know I keep saying the same nonsense over and over again)

In much better news, I did upload some pictures and some really good ones that I’m very proud of. Please take a look at them and give them some love!

Mew Whipped cream <

Macaroon Lolita <


I figured that I should just make this a full fledged journal post since it’s explains more so of the sudden rush of the moment post that I did last night. Also of the way I was feeling at the moment as well. This was the reply of the comment of the last post. I starting and yet again I just let it loose. Not as energetic as last time since I just came from work but definitely just as passionate about how I feel.

Thanks for responding!

I'm glad you found it inspirational; I hope other people did as well. It was such a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing, I just wanted to write what I was feeling for the last few days in this journal since I felt creatively and emotionally blocked. In retrospect I feel kind of embarrassed of just going out there like that. But at the same time it was nothing of mature nature, bashing, or putting out a completely personal matter. I just wanted people to feel how I felt. Excited, caged, creativity, rage, the whole nine rolled up and pushed in your mouth. Mostly the need to create and share it with the world. I haven’t really posted anything in some time, and seeing everything one drawing, commenting, and posting I feel really bounded and caged. As much as I love to be active on the nets in general besides of my days off, I have no time for any of it. And when I’m off, I’m crazy tired and just want to sleep and be lazy.

It’s a real oxy moron moment of my life really. I have most of the things that I wanted since college, a good paying job, a boyfriend, great friends, a *less* depressing household to come in. And yet one of my life passions seemly was the cost of it. I barely have time to draw/or do things when I’m not a work ha-ha. Barely have time to be crafty. The most I can do is watch what I can on the internet and when I don’t have things to do on my days off, dedicate them to exploring my new venture and pray that I won’t be at where I am for too long. I love working and really earning cash but I need a creative one. Investment is not for me, there’s no room for creatively in that field. Its just sit on a computer, learn how to do it and then do for 10 hours a day 4 days a week.

My eyes curse my name everyday for that. XD

Maybe this happened so that I can really put my foot forward even more so since I’m in the position to do so. Everything has been working in my favor even when I thought I wasn’t on track or was lead astray. I do believe everything happens for a reason. But I definitely learned as much action you can put into anything you have to be as patient so that things can be placed properly in your life. If you go too fast you might be out of sync of what needs to be done to get where you need to go. If you don’t put your self out there and not act on perfect time when that event presents it self, the ball doesn’t start rolling either. It’s all about going with the flow I guess. ^-^0

Thanks for the reply really, I appreciate it and your words!


With that I just wanted to state some other things that have happened in my life, quite some exciting ones!

• I made my first internet purchase! It was from Esty. I’ve gotten a fake food easer set for the molds and two Japanese decoden books. It was something too; I was in training (additional training) on the computer and then a total rush of energy and excitement totally slapped me on the face. Telling me I have to buy this! I couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting to buy it. Of course I been wanted to buy stuff from esty but was too scared to do so. But that day was different, I had to buy it. So that night as soon as I got home I signed up for esty and luckily the name “the candy sanctuary” wasn’t taken. I thought that in it self was kind of freaky, I thought some one would have been taken but once again that “magical” touch has creped its way into all this. So I got an account searched for what I wanted and brought it. It’s coming from Japan so it may take a week or so. I brought it on Monday so I hope it will be there by then. I’m going to have to take pictures of it when I’m done!

• I got some latex gloves and face mask for working with silicone for the whipped cream for my crafts. I’ve tried the modeling paste but it doesn’t keep its form that much. It sinks a lot and loses a lot of the detail of “whipped cream”. But I can still use it for plenty of things like melting chocolate, cream filling, and icing. I’m glad that I brought it and found so many good uses for it. I got to take pictures of that as well.

• The cute clay tutorial is to turning into my Candy Sanctuary blog! I figured that it would far more useful for my new adventure rather then a blog full of other people tutorials primarily. I’ll still post there (when I have time mind you) but it will be on my progress of my business adventure and crafts.

• I’m trying to start my gift art extravaganza! I have tons of people that I want to draw for but the first one has to be for mewpudding. Our art trade is WAY over due and it’s just damn rude to this point to not have posted my part of it. XD So yeah your first my lady. I want to post a list of people I’m planning to draw for but I want it to be secret too ;3

• I’m trying to fine tune my chibi style and my drawings in general. I think I’ve been lacking on the realistic side of things especially in the face. It’s too hard to try to make eyes that aren’t the whole generic big eye thing. I’ve been practicing bodies a lot at work and I’ve gotten better making them less weird and stuff. So yeah I think some of my gift art will contain some nicely made chibi’s and art.

• I’m getting TONS of déjà vu’s lately. Like at least once a week. I haven’t had this many since middle school. Real freaky if you ask me. :0

The beginning of something wonderful


I’m so dying to getting to know my peers and future target audience for my upcoming little Shoppe, The Candy Sanctuary.

I need to know what you like, enjoy and have fun wearing. I’m trying to set everything up one at a time so I can keep an even flow of energy. I don’t want to rush and get thrown off like I did numerous times before. I’m sick of not getting to where I need to get to. I really want this to work right and I will do all I can for it. This means I really got to be in tune with my heart, passion, and just life. Learn to listen to the signs and let things fall in place right in front of me. There’s nothing more then a will planed strategy and this is it. Take your time and follow your instincts… let that guide you rather then the need of survival and having to control everything in your life. Let life work for you and not the other way around. When you let the universe (or whatever you what to call it) work for you rather then against you, some magical things can happen. And I want that in my life, right now. I finally got the resources now it’s the time to act full force without stopping. With everything I got, no matter what the cost. I know I will be awarded for my efforts and bravery.

I hope you enjoyed my little rant or inspirational speech on what’s it like to be human with some serious drive.

But really? What do you think of decoden, I’m trying to give into peoples heads here. I really don’t care if you buy it or not. That’s not what I’m aiming for. I just really just what the overall connection with someone like myself. That’s what I want to do. Design, to those who are like me. They what to be artistic, cool, and just different. That’s what I what to die doing because I was born doing it. I what to know how it feels to really live off your creations and enjoy your career. Even though I have a really good job pay wise, its just not what I what to do for very long. When I’m there I struggle against work, boredom and a raging creativity bug that bites every so often. Its like a disease and I have to cure it, any way I can. I just can’t sit and not draw or not thing about drawing. I have to create something, or I’ll just burst into pieces. I’m not sure if anyone gets me but if you do give me a shout. About anything, I want to know who’s really reading this on the other side of my computer. I really what to have some kind of connection on what may be right for my career and future plans.

I hope everyone has a really good night. And yes, this was definitely one of those creatively bursts I was talking about. Ha-ha!

A really great day!

I rise again like a phoenix to give you updates! RAWR MUCH?

So I finally have time to do a real update and tell how much I love the day! Even though I had work (had to wake up at like 4:00AM) everything really turned around for me! I was stuck on RPO’s again which is super easy work (no outcalls or difficult processing) but boring too. The only thing to really pass the time is listening of my mp3 player and thinking deeply about something.

This reminds me I had my first evaluation at work. I was sooo nervous because I didn’t really know if I was doing things right or what. But I had a really good evaluation! Craig, my supervisor that I was where I should be when it comes to productivity level and my accuracy level was a bit over 97% . WTF… I was so surprised! I didn’t know I where doing so well. I’m so excited! He said that it was really strong, I take difficult calls, I’m always professional and I’m dependable. The only blemish was my tardiness which was because of the buses and a little situation that could have turned into a privacy issue. Other then that he said that with someone with my background coming right out of school I’m doing really well. I felt really good after that so much so that I was still nervous XD….

Getting back with today, after work I was going to go down to blick’s art store but I had to go to the bathroom really bad and get a transpass for next week. Well, going down to the sub station was a waste of time because the information/transit stand was close. So then I still had to go to the bathroom and now I’m super hungry. I go down the street to get me some fast sushi but the first place I went pass didn’t had any. I think for a second and figured that I can go to the bathroom at the mall down the street and check out the express borders to see if they were closing down. Well they were which is very saddening for me but on the plus side they still had manga for 65% off!!!

*Brain explosion*

So I pretty much ignore the fact that I had to go the bathroom and I was suppost to go to Blick’s art store. I racked up on some good titles. I ended up with 8 books, 7 being mangas and one book on business. The business book is really unconventional and just my style too, what a treat! It’s pretty much the author interviewing people about following your heart and inspiration as a business model rather then more rational, forced plan. Something that I think I run on as far a “business” goes. Even though I look for ways to have a good plan, but I end up following my feelings when it comes to the matter. Rather its laziness, inspiration, drawing, searching the internet endlessly, designing, or simply trying to connect with the people my target audience is, I always go where my heart is.

I’m so cheesy…

In craft news, I got around with playing with some of the new items that I brought from Michaels two weeks ago. I had some serious macaroons ideas in my head and started making a sugar incrusted macaroon with a vintage stamp on top. I think it’s going to but a necklace since the macaroon is too big to be anything else. I have the two pieces done I just need the whip cream filling more of the sugar around the edges, then finally a nice gloss finish on it. I also got to make the necklace part too, that should be fun. I haven’t done that in like a year.

I want to make mini sweet treat cell phone charms!!! D’:

Oh, I’ve been making small cakes too! I made two cakes and sliced them up a few days ago. Now I need to texture them and decide what I’m going to do with them. I think I should make ear rings and cell phone charms out of them. I’m not sure I just want to make some really cute stuff all day tomorrow.

Gosh, I forgot I about the con! Well it was super awesome. It was the best weekend ever. But I think I will save it for tomorrow or so when I post some pictures and the stuff I got. :3

I’m downloading some deco/Lolita mags too. You can find them here: http://ann-mich.livejournal.com/19915.html#cutid1

See ya later!