
So it is summer for me.
I have such a huge crush on someone right now, and I'm sad, because I haven't seen him in a while. Luckily for me, he accepted my friend request on facebook. YIPPEEEEEE!!! *dances giddily*

So I found out Tyler has another girlfriend...ALREADY!!! ha! And he says she means a lot to him. PAH!!!! I will laugh when it falls through the way it will. It's just too fast for him to suddenly be in love with some girl he barely knows. Pff.

Well, I had a dream with my crush in it. It was amazingly freaking awesome. I can't stop thinking about it. No joke. I get giddy every time the image replays in my head.

Speaking of my head. I got my hair cut. Uber short. I'll put a pic of it at the end of the post. I think I look really cute right now with my super short hair. I feel good about myself for once. Maybe it's cause of my new look AND having Cole-sama involved in my life...? Cole-sama=my crush, by the way.

So I've been writing a lot again and drawing a lot. Hehe. I would post some art, but I kind of can't right now.

OH! And I only failed one class this year, and since it was an elective, that means no summer school and no repeat of the class. WOOT WOOT. Hopefully mother and father feel somewhat the same as I do about that.

I'm at a friend's house, and I've been working on a story that she inspired me to write...I haven't slept at all. He. He. He. I can't help it. I have so much to do, and so little time to do it. Ooh, that sounded wrong, haha.

Well, anyway, I just wanted to update here. ^_^ Loves!!

P.S. Yes, I'm wearing a tiara...shut up, haha. I was hyper. And saw the tiara...and decided to be a princess for a little bit.

Summer and other stuff!

Ooookee dokee!
I'm out of school for the summer after the 28th of this month. Great, but not great. I'll miss my friends.
Sadly, I might have to do summer school. Then again, maybe not. I'm not sure yet. But I'm hoping that I don't have to deal with summer school. I HATE summer school with a passion.

I have also figured something out. I know what I want to do for a profession. I want to be a professional photographer. You know, dealing with nature shots and stuff. Wildlife. I'm really good at it. I figured that out over the weekend. I was hanging out a lot with my great uncle, and he has professional cameras, and takes really good professional wildlife shots of flowers, animals, and scenery. He let me use one of his cameras during a trip to the wildlife refuge out here, and I took some DAMN wonderful pictures. I'll have to put some up when my great uncle sends out the disc of the pictures I took.

So I might be getting my sexy darling phone back. I have missed her. She was my lovely. She still is. And I will be able to text more people, now that I have more people's numbers. HAHAHAHA!!! It will be fun. Yes yes.

I'm hoping to see my brother sometime this summer, too. We have been talking a lot lately. We have grown really close even though we live far away and haven't seen one another in so long. We are desperate to hang out with each other soon.

So anyway. I've been drawing lately. The art looks pretty good, so once I get a scanner again, I'll post some art. Or try to, haha. It might even have to come from my phone, to be honest. Lame.

So I got a new pocket knife. It' I like it. I was going kind of knife happy this morning when I got it. I kept flipping it open and then shutting it. Ha. The blade looks lovely. I'm kind of craving as of late, but I'm trying not to.

Well...I'm not entirely sure what else to write. Hmm. To any of my friends that remember me from Florida or New Jersey, ones that I was seriously personally friends with, like, that I met, if you ever want to talk to me, just PM me, I'll tell you my new house # and cellphone #.

Hope everyone is doing well. Don't be emo. Trust me. Not. Worth. It.
And don't do drugs.
Except pot.
Pot is okay.
Not harmful to people in any way, shape, or form. So yeah.
Love love.
And no, I'm not on pot.
Just kidding.
Or am I?


Okay! So Tsumi finally finished her school year!!! YAY!!! Summer now awaits me to make the best of it! I went to my really close friend, Shidora's, baseball game yesterday. It was fun, because I've never been to one of those. She did GREAT!! Especially when she would catch the ball. She tagged out so many players, it was AWESOME! I'm tempted to ask her to teach me how to play. I'm good at pitching and catching, but I suck at batting. lol! Also, I was talking to Kuro again. YAY! Me and him haven't talked for quite some time, so hopefully we get the chance to soon. I HOPE. I'm angry with a "friend" of mine, because...well, as circumstance would have it, she told ANOTHER lie about me. To her COUSIN, my FRIEND!!! HER COUSIN!!! I'm friends with her cousin, and we were on the phone, and she asked why I had been grounded. So I explained that I had bad grades before. She said, "Okay, because I kept cousin must be lying to me, it just doesn't sound like something Tsumi would do." and so I asked what she meant. Well, my liarface "friend" who lied to her cousin said that I had been grounded because my parents had caught me dating a guy and sleeping with him. So Syl said, "When she told me that, I couldn't actually believe her. I know you, and you wouldn't do that! You're better than that. That's something SHE might do, but never you." so I told her not to listen to her cousin anymore because she was a liar. We talked for HOURS ON END. It was so fun! She'll be coming out to visit again this summer. I'm excited! Oh, Tsumi has been drawing a lot lately. And I've also been writing poetry. And songs. hehe...I play guitar a lot now, and I want to continue with piano as well. I still sing. AH! My friend gave me his iPOD! I'm so happy!!! Now I have an MP3 player and an iPOD! YES! Anyways...Tsumi should go now, she has cleaning to do around the house, so...LOVES TO ALL!!! ALL IS WELL HERE!!! BYE BYE!
