Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Unleash The Beast

I am ridiculously angry right now. Like, seriously, it's ridiculous how angry I am. It's ridiculous that I'm even angry in the first place. It's one of those moments when I really wish my "wifey" or even my "mistress" was still around to talk to (or at least text) at any time of day or night. Just to snap me out of it and calm me down so I can sleep normally. I may have acquired a new "girlfriend" this week, but I think it's a bit soon to be bothering her w/my rage problems so....I write...

You think someone knows you, and then...you think they know how you would react in certain situations, how you would feel about things, not everything, they're not mind readers you know, but you think at least, at least, those certain things that are REALLY NOT OK with you, those things you think they know...

And then you remember they're fucking clueless about everything involving other people.

And that's not the half of it.

I'm much less mad at my idiot big brother (b/c after all, let's face it, he is just my idiot big brother, he can't help the way he is...) than I am at his....friend? drinking buddy? little boy he hangs around with b/c there's no one better in town?

they all fit I guess...

1. Don't talk about me to my big brother to find out if I might let you hang out with me instead of talking to me yourself.

2. DON'T ask him for my email, especially when I've given you like 18 different chances to ask me for it yourself.

3. AND DON'T wait until 11pm to ask him to text me b/c you weren't drunk enough to have the courage before then.

I do not have time for wishy-washy, nervous little boys.


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the girlfriend

I really want to post more (a loooot more) about 冬コミ but I knew I had to get that out of my system...Eh....I'll probably end up texting the new gf about some of it tomorrow if I'm not feeling better when I wake up, but dammit...I really didn't want this kind of headache before bedtime.

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The weak are allowed to congregate. I want to be weak. If that's impossible, at least give me someone as strong as I am.

Turn Back The Pendulum 2

Best Christmas present I've gotten (so far) this year:

This facebook photo and comment trail...

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Caption: Bruno thinks he's cool, playing with his yo-yo in a Mexican Hotel

Me: He's still into yo-yos?

Oscar: Lol, yes...he is, its getting a little out of hand. When you were here was he into them?

Me: Yeah, he was just starting to like them before I left but he couldn't do anything with them at all...ah, he was so little and cute....

Oscar: I wish you could come back to America and teach him how to be productive like you taught me! He NEVER bathes, eats vegetables, and he cusses ALL the time. Haha

Oh, my little ninjas....you were both cute back then...

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...and we always knew which of you would turn out like me, and which would turn out like your parents...

A Delicious Dissonance

I don't post photos that often...guess it's not a bad idea once in a while...

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September - Gundam 00 movie voice actor appearance - Hachi made that fan for her favorite one...

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October - Halloween...my hair is so freaking short....

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November - Yokohama...Brian's ability to ruin pictures continues to amaze me...

I did something weird this week. OK, wait, I did a lot of things that were...what's a more specific word....abnormal? for me anyway...out of my routine, or something like that. 3 out of 5 days I didn't eat a cheese sandwich, I didn't go to my office at all, I had a fever, went to school anyway and then got better in the course of one night and continued going to school. I was struck with the unexplainable desire to watch Lupin III movies (I'm convinced they're what cured me) and felt absolutely no need to read fanfic.

But, anyway, my ridiculous daily life aside, the really weird thing was that I drew something and didn't want to scan it. Not because I thought it was bad or anything, in fact it turned out really well, better than I hoped it would even. It was a manga version of a 5th grade teacher I know. OK, so...I don't actually know him all that well, the kids in his class asked me to draw him the first time I went to their school so I said I'd do it by the second (and last) time I went, this Friday. I used a photo of the guy, and a couple pictures of the JUMP editor-in-chief from Bakuman as references, and I was pretty impressed w/it when it was done. But, for some reason...I just looked at it and thought, "I don't want to see this on my computer screen later." As in, 6 months from now when I've forgotten all about it. I still can't figure out why. It's not as though I have anything against the guy, he's an excellent teacher, or any bad memories about the school either. The kids were all really happy when I gave it to them, and the teacher surprised me by saying he thought it made him look like a character from The Prince of Tennis. Weird, all around.

It's really December now. Just 8 more days of school, one more meeting, and one morning of sitting around the office to go until...every day becomes sitting around the office till I can't stand it and take vacation. Heh...I hope to make it to payday at least. That feeling of having too much to do isn't just a feeling anymore. However, I am the world's best procrastinator. I think I like the feeling of knowing I'm not doing something when I should be. Wow, that's kind of sick...I have 20 drawings to finish by Tuesday (b/c I won't be going back to that school again this year) and I've spent today doing anything and everything else. I'd like to say that procrastination makes me productive though. For one thing, I know I do well under pressure so they're sure to turn out nicely. For another, when I have something I'm supposed to do I won't just sit around and watch anime instead of doing it, I'll go out and exercise, buy groceries, clean my whole apartment, you get the idea...

I did still watch Panty and Stocking over breakfast though...been waiting for the full version of this song forever!! Go ahead and try to count the references.

There's a lot of Beatles in there, which made me happy, and I swear the whole thing is a Powerpuff video parody, but I can't find it.

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Your sleepy anarchy, wake it up, wake it up!

Edge of the Silence

For the second weekend in a row I find myself posting here when I had planned to be writing something totally different. At least this time I can say it's b/c I spent my Saturday out of town & not b/c I was recovering from idiot-contact overload for 4 days....

December starts this week. It kinda feels like it already has what with the Christmas lights all over town, and that antsy feeling that I have a lot of stuff I want to do but can't b/c there's even more stuff that I have to do. Study, draw, write, study, clean, draw, shuffle, organize, draw, work, clean, study, draw....somehow the things that get done are never the ones that make me feel satisfied.

At least I've got this to keep me going...

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"Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt"

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Favorite new anime of the season, hands down. This is what you get when studio Gainax decides to entertain themselves. Perverted, funny, and overflowing with movie, anime, and other pop culture references. Anarchy Panty and Anarchy Stocking, a pair of angel sisters who for some (flimsy) reason got kicked out of heaven and have to exterminate "ghosts" and collect "heaven coins" in order to get back in. For some other (extremely flimsy) reason, they live with a priest named Garterbelt who locates the ghosts and sends the girls out to kill them. Meanwhile he hits on teenage boys and acts as a bookie for people who want to bet on the girls' success at ghost extermination....

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Most of the time the girls (and all the other characters) are in chibi form, but about once per episode the pull out the super sexy...

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(found some crazy cute anime style pics of the SP boys while digging all that stuff up....)

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I also have no other choice but to continue living as a child that cannot stop hating the world.

Countdown to the End: 1 (Only Mercifully)

I thought I had nothing to say & then I realized...wait, no, I actually have nothing to say. I just haven't posted any of my Gilbert sketches and since he's the next character I'm working on...yeah....here they are...

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...front view...the shape of his face is all wrong, but I was drawing it in a meeting (which I had decided to NOT do w/these b/c I KNOW it lowers the quality) so I guess it's excusable?

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...side or 3/4 view...I was trying to draw him in a hoodie b/c he always seems to wear one in doujinshi, but....yeah, not quite right....

I almost fell down the well again last week...but we had a 4 day weekend for me to get my head straightened out again. That was lucky. All 2 day nightmares should be followed by a mandatory 4 day weekend. It's my new rule. In reality, the yearly torture was not as bad as it has been in the past. I got up extra early (& stayed extra late) both days so I wouldn't be stuck on a tiny train w/a bunch of people I hate, took my DS and some Starbucks along, and somehow the time went by faster than I expected it to. When it started feeling slow I just worked on these to keep my mind off it...

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...Gilbert, practically the same as the hoodie pic, but w/out the hoodie...I swear I didn't notice till I got home...

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...a bit older looking Arthur, didn't have time to finish him since it was the end of the day, and I don't really like that style of eyes...

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...pouty Alfred...I'm trying to make him more innocent looking & Arthur more worldly b/c I don't really like the popular fan perception of Arthur as a girly tsundere who cries over everything. Yes, he does get upset sometimes, but...that somehow leads people to draw him looking really effeminate and make Al all suave and predatory which is totally wrong. Hmm...there's a lot more I want to say about that subject, but....I think I should leave it alone for now. If I get started I'll end up talking about things I don't want to just yet.

So, last for today...I got more fanart!

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This great drawing of Marco from One Piece is by animesick, please go give hugs here! I seriously don't know why people give me stuff...I don't think I do anything worth getting presents, but I appreciate them all the same!

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I am me no matter what others say. This is the proof of my strength.