Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

A Jail Called Remorse

It's over.
I read it all.
There's no more.
I thought there was more coming, but I was wrong.

OK, so I'm being melodramatic. Obviously. It's just a story. (someone keep telling me that, please...)

-I keep having this urge to type song lyrics into my post. I used to do this weird thing where every other phrase was one. It usually ended up not making much sense.-

So in the end, it was worth reading I think. Of course I still can't help wishing it wasn't over. Can't help wishing I'd stretched it out just a little bit longer. Wishing I'd slept a bit more in between. Yeah, more sleep would definitely have helped with a lot of things.

-Ok, maybe just a few....-

Of course, now that it's done. I can't change this. It's done. I can never take this back. And that's all there is to it. I can't change your mind. No going back, no pretending.

"For once a thing has been known, it can never again be unknown."

-bleh, enough of that-

It's a sad thought, but maybe a little bit hopeful too. Once you know something, you can try to understand it and then maybe look at it in a different way. Maybe the next time I'll see it from another character's point of view. Maybe I can see beyond the confine's of Edward's self-sacrificing, self-blaming, overprotective head.

Or maybe not.
It's not like he could ever act differently either.
