ecnelisterger (Wallpaper Portfolio) Morning Flower

Morning Flower
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Scan: [><]

My first wallpaper. At this time I didn't know how to apply textures, I don't know what the meaning of render and vector. And I only started using GIMP at this time.
Their Love Is...

This is the first wall I made when I learn 'depth merge' in GIMP. XD I merge two different picture and add some brush I downloaded. I remember that I start searching for the info about 'combining pictures' when I saw Solenm Serpent's wallpaper, The Heavens.
{White Cherry Blossom

This is the first wall I made after I learn about render. I continue using 'depth merge' and combine suitable (in my opinion at that time) background for the wallpaper. Sometimes I add text and brush, and sometimes I don't.
I continue with the that walling style for awhile.

And this when I start using texture for my wall, also my first wallpaper that was placed at theOtaku's front page. I was shocked at that time, cause i never thought that I will ever made it to the front page.
Human's Desire
My favorite brush at that time was 'Incomplete Grids' from Interhuss Design.

And I finally started using scan frequently after I made this wall.
I also use textures frequently.
The Duo. A much more harder (for me) and bothersome walling technique that took me a long time to finish. I started doing this kind of wall after I saw SakuraDust's This is Halloween.
I used various thing from various scan to create a scenery and I also start rendering an image.

The first time I've ever cleaned a scan and make it my render.
Snack Time

And I started doing vectoring after this wallpaper.
Eternal Sentiment
I vectored the subjects, clear the background and create a new suitable background for the vector.
My recent wallpaper was done on the same style, here's the link if you want to have a peek.
The Wandering Beauty

For my entry.
I also did some vectoring in it, however, unlike my other wallpapers, I don't give it a scenic background, only some sparkle. And doesn't put a lot of details or doesn't use much brush in it.
I only done some coloring and cleaning. :D

I created this wallpaper using GIMP.

I hope this is acceptable!

Tenjho Tenge Wallpapers
flower, girl, morning, tenjho tenge
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A new beginning

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