krokun (Fan Art Portfolio) PGR Academy!

PGR Academy!
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PokeGijinka Revolution Academy!!!

OOOOOK remember that I borrowed your chars for a special pic I wanted to draw??? Well its ready now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I almost die coloring it but its done so Im really happy!!!!!

Here we have (from left to right):

Xio the Luxray (Iruka Sensei)
Hiro the Mightyena (kayuki)
Aberius the Absol (Kitty K.O)
Gil the Glaceon (mine X3)
Lux the Luxray (Iruka Sensei)
Nyarth the Meowth (Eneko)--> his uniform is different because he is younger! XDD
Zaishi the Zangoose (Naomi Bear)

I know Im missing some guys like Tanner and Arc... But Ill have another surprise pic soon that has included all the guys in PGR!

I also know that I have a LOOOOT of mistakes in the lineart and coloring so sorry for that... But Im not really good with groupal pics! -_______-''''

Tell me what you think! and plz plz plz plz plz plz plz comment and hug, specially if your char is in here! I need to know your opinions! :D

Love you people and

HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pokemon Fan Art
aberius, absol, gijinka, gil, glaceon, hiro, lux, luxray, meowth, migthyena, nyartht, oc, pgr, xio, zaishi, zangoose
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Usagi Ketsueki Princess Yue Bluemoon Halo irenfy stinamuffin Elix3r PGR JBCryptic Ryochi30 Kaerlyn Naomi Bear yuna2008 Ellenor Mererid vdr-07 Kitty K.O. Yuki guru guru BloodyKiss14 blazefan22 15385bic NejixWrathLover Yuuki Kross Pikmin541 kita mikichi sasuke sarutobi4 babou OlleyLee omnia1 animelover7310 AmazingDanni LoveKouichi DeidaraNarutoClan InuYashaNeedsHelp Romanos Vixen SaiKat littlepooch AngelBest Dream Bluesen AIloveAkuma wolfpupable RubberDuck4LUNCH cheriblosomchibi aminesick Tetsuo334 hanawa
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