PokeGijinka Revolution Academy!!!
OOOOOK remember that I borrowed your chars for a special pic I wanted to draw??? Well its ready now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I almost die coloring it but its done so Im really happy!!!!!
Here we have (from left to right):
Xio the Luxray (Iruka Sensei)
Hiro the Mightyena (kayuki)
Aberius the Absol (Kitty K.O)
Gil the Glaceon (mine X3)
Lux the Luxray (Iruka Sensei)
Nyarth the Meowth (Eneko)--> his uniform is different because he is younger! XDD
Zaishi the Zangoose (Naomi Bear)
I know Im missing some guys like Tanner and Arc... But Ill have another surprise pic soon that has included all the guys in PGR!
I also know that I have a LOOOOT of mistakes in the lineart and coloring so sorry for that... But Im not really good with groupal pics! -_______-''''
Tell me what you think! and plz plz plz plz plz plz plz comment and hug, specially if your char is in here! I need to know your opinions! :D
Love you people and
HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!