YEIIII Im really happy with the result of this one but first...I finally defeated my block and Im working on all the pretty late b-day pics haha and other things lol
So ok like I was saying, I really like how this one turned because im a failure with animals but we look aceptable right?? *is shot*
Oh and why did I say we? Well guess what I became a furry! umm im still pretty new in the subject buuuut Nii-chan is also a furry...he is a southern red wolf X3 and Im a sable-chocolate ferret XD hehe Soo yeah we were having a conversation some days ago and the pic pretty much explains what happened hehehehe.
Of course I had some reference for the animal version XD and I also tried what kro does with her pics..meaning no using inking on the lineart...I made it in order to make it look like fur? haha ok I almost died with that....soo no doing it soon hahahahaha
Oh and also thanks to Eko and Jacob :3 because Nii-chan looked like a fox before ....lalalalala
I also hope you like it Nii-chan!!!!!!! GAAAAAAHHHH you know I wuuuv you >w<
*cough cough*
Note to Angel: Im still the only volano hamster you know right???
WOOT haha so with that said I hope you like it!!!!
Comments and hugs very appreciated!!