hackerblackrose (Fan Art Portfolio) Define Love

Define Love
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So in this challenge we are suppose to define the word love and what it means to us.

In my piece of artwork i did a simple outline of a profile face not to distracting because more of your attention goes to the color in this picture. I used pinks oranges reds and a bit of blue. The colors reds oranges and pinks of course represents love and i show in the picture that it is consuming the female. Love can be a poison that we just let it consume us and take over our lives it is one of the best feelings i know for a fact i am in a relationship right now and love can be poisonous and take over your life. Always thinking of your love or maybe it's even your crush you know how people can get with their crushes. Seriously it is one of those feelings you never want to give up, that's why a lot of us consume our self into our love life specially at the puppy stage where you are all like "I LOVE YOU" every 10 seconds. It makes you feel special and wanted. But than again in this picture it isn't the whole puppy stage since my female has a more serious look on her face. This represents relationships that are long and serious about each other she has more of a serious face but with love in it with showing how she cares and that she's almost kissing the heart that i drew next to her. You can also see blue in the bright happy colors. Love doesn't mean all about happiness, it can be hard at times and you don't agree with your love or it's just a hard time in the relationship. it's not always about love and romance or even that puppy stage. It's on a deeper level of love, you love somebody no matter what their flaws are like in lady gaga's song "bad romance" loving everything about that person all the bad and all the good. Even going though the tough hardships and not giving up on the relationship. So it's not always sunshine and happiness trust me i know. I've been in a 3 year relationship, it's not all rainbows sadly. But love is kind, sweet, romance, and caring but remember you always stay with your lover though no matter what and always try your best for them. Believe me it is amazing, but sometimes you have to face hard times and it isn't so wonderful. Just don't give up. Things always get better. ♥

I hope you guys read my very long paragraph XD that's love for ya guys :) ♥

I used color pencil and ink in this picture it took me about 2 hours maybe? but please leave comments/favs/hugs? maybe? I always love reading comments :) ♥

Love Rose ♥

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
define, heart, is, love, pink, realism, what
21 votes thumb
12 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Define love.
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