Reads right to left.
Based on the Prince Namor, the Sub Mariner series, issues #20-21. The reason that compelled me to draw this was that during issue #20, Dr. Doom proposes a second alliance with Namor to conquer the surface world. Namor refused, claiming that he wouldn't lead his armies to do such a thing. In the next issue, however, Dorma (Namor's girlfriend) deploys the armies of Atlantis to attack because she believes the humans are keeping Namor. During this, I wondered what Dr. Doom was thinking while Atlantis invaded Manhattan without him? Was he mad? Was he sad?
Obviously Namor's and Doom's conversation was much different in the comic books but stuff happens...
Dr. Doom's mask changes expressions alot during comics which is another wonder to me.
I hope everyone enjoys this! It was fun to draw