SaiKat (Wallpaper Portfolio) +Waiting+

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First thing's first: Credits! *points below*

Scan: [X]
BG: Google

Um.. Yeah, I tried my best! >_< So I edited the scan a lot. Painted over the cigarette and changed a lot of colors. I also had to extend the couch, which was pretty tricky. At first I copied and pasted a few bits and then colored in spots to make it look like it fit, but then I just panted in that piece of fabric or whatever it is.. *just wanted to fill the space* Let's just say it's his cape, yes? I drew in the ghosts as an added effect. Too much? ^^; Just thought it would fill in some space.. And add to the creepy aura.

So, my idea behind it is a little hard to explain. I haven't really had any dreams for a while, so it was difficult to come up with an idea in the first place. What I initially did was look up things I do like to dream about (when I'm actually dreaming *shot*) and so I looked up vampires, vampire hunters, Van Helsing *shot again*, and then I eventually just started looking up Alice in Wonderland. LOL (Yes, I have dreamed of falling down a rabbit hole stfu) I found the scan *points up* and really liked it. It wasn't typical Mad Hatter so I thought it'd be cool. Though I like the original scan, I thought I'd throw in some red tones and turn the tea into blood. Yum.

Fonts are standard Photoshop Element fonts. Just some random text I put together to add a little sumthin' sumthin'.

Hope Papi made you proud. ;u;


Other Video Games Wallpapers
Alice in Wonderland, Carnelian, Mad Hatter, Messiah, Syusei Ogiwara, Vampire
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