Aria Sky (Wallpaper Portfolio) Wish, Dream, Hope

Wish, Dream, Hope
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Hey ya'll! ^^ This wallpaper was a bit of a challenge. I had the layout idea ready, but finding the perfect background to use, what to use for the words, and how to make the box in the middle look less empty was more of a challenge than I had prepared for. In the end, I decided to go for this!

I had so many different versions of the messages. There were versions with Japanese sayings at first, but the messages didn't really fit well, so I deleted those. I then decided to go with the theme "friends", but that didn't seem to click either. In the end, I settled for these simple and short 3 words, which I thought matched the wallpaper the best.

The words to look blurry, but when you see the largest size/the actual size, you'll notice it's actually not. xD I don't really know how else to explain it....../shot

Hope you guys like it! :D

Message: "Dream, wish, hope"
Original scan: [x] (check it out....maybe? ^^)
Background: <may post link later>
# of textures used: 6 (copies of scan above scan)

View at largest size please!

Dedicated to Alexa as a birthday present! :) Sorry it's a bit late~ I hope you had an awesome birthday!

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
day, double, dream, girls, hope, identity, night, tail, wish
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