Today i wanna cry

I feel he tug upon my heart
When i see my last heart peice fall
I wont be able to take it
And i Will be alone
To those words so tart
I cant really be tall
Your eyes they spit
The pain of stone
I usually have no reason
To think your different
But with this treason
not a word indifferent
I can see you've realized something
Even if it's small, i want it to grow
Into something great i know
And when thats not growing
I feel a pain
and i kust wanna cry
In my heart i have a stain
I'll want to die
I miss your laughter
that you once had
Is it worth it after
To realize the bad
and to hold my heart
And wonder what i did wrong
My dreams like art
Sing out in song
And i listen to the words
so different and unique
I feel the herds
Riding over the weak
And i cant do much
But i do clutch
To those simple words
I've always wanted to say
As the souls crumple inwards
I say to myself this way
Today i want to cry


Just another day eh?

Hm its just another day. well, i have a friend who i told her about a picture i had and she REALLY wants to see it, so i thought i would just post it anyway today. (if you have not seen my new poem, look below this post). ^^...

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I am like the wind

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I deserve

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Am I the One

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