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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

anime con, neighbor, and mod nation racers

Good evening!

So it’s that time of the year again huh? Back to school, everyone is talking about it now. I’m glad I don’t have school anymore; it feels good just to laze around the house and stuff. *lazy bum*

OH, I forgot to mention in my last post that I’m going to an anime convention tomorrow night and Saturday. Its actually in my city Philadelphia, it’s only a 30 minute commute to the hotel so I pre registered as soon as I knew about it pretty much haha. I was debating it because I wanted to save the money that was in my account but I figured I could spoil myself to a convention. The best part has to be that my dad is going to pay for my friend Brandon to go with me. He wanted to go but didn’t have the money so when I told my dad he offered to pay. Brandon was so excited when I told him that, I’m glad I get to drag him around with me. I was a bit nervous going by myself. X__x

He’s going to spend the night on Friday so we can get there super early on Saturday. I’m planning to stay ALL DAY TILL THE END OF THE RAVE. OMG raves are the most awesomest things in this planet. If I could I would have a rave in my house every night (wants her own house now). I’m going to get a bunch of glow sticks/stuff and wear them during the rave. That’s what I did last time and it was the best. XD I want to recreate that moment again.

I wasn’t on the internet as much lately especially today I didn’t even turn the computer on till the afternoon. I’m mostly filling in my internet time with Mod Nation Racers. I love that racing game, it’s like it was made for me. You can customize your character and everything. My character is like a rave bunny he’s so cool. XD I want to take a picture of him and show him off. I made his car so awesomely bad ass to. I want a car just like that when I’m able to get one.

I have even greater news. You all know my crazy neighbor right? Well last week in the middle of the night she started her crap again. So we called the cops and the next morning we went to get a detective on her. We talked to the detective and he went to see if he could talk to her himself. Of course she didn’t answer the door when he came by but I’m glad that we finally have some help with this. The detective even sent out other cops to check up on her after that day and there is still no answer form the neighbor. Hopefully this will lead to a solution that will end this dispute once and for all. There is A LOT MORE to the how the situation went about but I don’t even want to remind myself of it all (drama nonsense). So keep your fingers crossed that things turn out well.

I guess lately on my drawing status I’ve been doing a lot of “on the whim” drawings that’s been turning out well. I need to scan them all so you can see what I’ve been drawing. I’ll admit I haven’t been so please with my “random” works in a while. I’m usually super critical with my pictures since I try to get them to look the way I image them. I think I’ve been going backwards in that respect since it only makes me feel bad if I can’t get it right. But I’m trying to clean that mind set up a little by seeing what my hand and inspiration takes me. In addition to just loving what’s coming together so I don’t have such a negative air in my drawing space.

The one gripe I have though is that I want so bad to draw/design in the morning but everything gets in the way, well sort of. I started to do my belly dancing exercises again in the morning, I have to eat, and see what’s going on the nets. But some how I keep myself from drawing by doing everything else and it drives me crazy. I’m usually inspired too but I just keep doing that “last thing” and the next thing you know I hop into bed for a nap to conclude my morning. Somehow I have to keep my focus and do what’s important then go sketch my ideas down before I get sucked into something else. >:T

It will all work out. =3= Thanks for reading guys, till next time!


Welcome back!

So it’s been about a week since my last post and I’m feeling super! I’ve haven’t been on 100% active in the internet but I have been doing some fun things!

I finally read my shugo chara vol 7 manga. I had that manga for months but till a few days ago I decided to read it. I don’t have any other volumes because I found vol 7 on sale. I just wished the other ones where on sale at the same time, that would have been awesome. I was looking on the internet and saw the mangas for about 7 dollars so I’m thinking about getting them there. I also saw TONS of shugo chara merchandise on ebay for cheap, key rings, bags, jewelry, and watches. Needless to say “I SO WANT”. But getting back to the point, reading shugo chara has cause me to:


And the thing is that it came out pretty good way better then I expected. The drawings were neat, in proportion, and not cluttered like. I also didn’t use no boxes I just started drawing in one area then into another and I think that’s what made the drawing/sketching so good for me. The times when I did make a comic I planed out the paneling/the way I wanted to draw it. I never like using to many boxes because I like having the space to draw so I didn’t add many. So I’m thinking that I found my niche when it comes to comic making, at least with the layout of the page. NO PLANNING JUST DO IT. When I looked at the pages that I made which were 3, I can see how I can panel around my drawings. Noticing that totally drove my inspiration and my hopes of practicing comic making through the freak’n roof. I thought I should wait till I can go up against the grind and practice till I was good enough to execute comic making because I have a lot of ideas for comics.

Now, seeing that comic making wasn’t as hard or daunting as I ever throught, I brought myself 3 sketch books, one is purely for comics. I also like to mention that I had no real script for the fan comic too; I literally put the shugo chara manga down and started drawing out the comic the way I was thinking up by PURE INSPIRATION. I’m not sure if anyone knows this but I have a huge passion for manga, story telling and anything that involves making those two the best it could possibly be. That stuff makes my world. It’s probably why I such a HUGE critic when I’m searching for new manga. The drawing and paneling has to be at my liking, the story can’t be in the box cliché, and it really has to be a 10 or really close to it. It really has to draw me in its world. Of course I always make exceptions if the story is really good with an okay style I’ll still buy it. XP

I’m so excited with this re-newed focus and craft in a way. It feels like a whole new world has been opened to me completely with tons of opportunity with it. I’ve been practicing male anatomy, poses, angles, and I see that coming into fruition when I was drawing the comic. I had so much fun drawing it even the most mundane parts or the drawings that had a background in it was fun!

So yeah, there is a new shugo chara fan comic in the works and I want to look in my TMM sweets collection again. If this comic high is here to stay (I’m making that so) I might just redo the whole thing. It’s like so crappy now haha.

This was supposed to be a generalization of my week but it turned into my new found comic making self. I hope it wasn’t TOO boring for you all especially if you were hoping to hear me mention the recent drama that’s gone about recently. :P

Thanks for reading anyway and take care!

Why is my life a soap opera these days?

So, today was interesting….

I went to my old school ITT Tech right, so my sister’s boyfriend can print out posters right.

While we was leaving out I saw my old class mate and oh that fate is a bitch because I saw my EX. YEAH THAT MOTHER TRUCKER.

My sister and her boyfriend and I all said “hi” to the old class mate and I saw him turn his head and look at us and turn back to the computer. So I was chatting it up with my old class mate a bit and was debating if I should say anything to my ex. The bastard was acting like I didn’t just come in the room so then after a few minutes I went up right to him and said “what’s up?”

In all seriousness when he looked up at me I saw a completely defeated person. All I saw was shame in his eyes. He didn’t even look up at me at first and he had his hoodie up. My old class mate actually pulled it down and that’s when he finally looked up at me. I saw shame in him, like his whole world is coming down. I’m not sure if it was because I showed up but I never saw him like that in my life. So yeah we exchanged words, I asked him how he was doing since the last time I saw him he looked stressed. He said he was doing fine and things are getting better. I assume things can’t get that better the way his aura was especially after he ditched me. : Then I said as "as long as you’re alive" and continued talking to my old class mate (I did it kinda coldly). When I said my good byes my ex said to take care of myself, he sound like he cared when I’m not sure why (goes through a huge list of whys). I’m glad to see he’s alive but holy shit what are the odds of that? Then to see him like the way he was, just damn. I wanted to be a total dick and say something about what happened but as always I take the polite non-dick route and avoid that all together. He did say “its been a long time hasn’t it?” when he first looked at me. I should have said “uh NO it was only March when you disappeared and act like I didn’t exist anymore, what’s up with that shit?” which is like 6 months. But whatever, I hope for the best for him since he lost the best already or at least went about the wrong way.

And remember my best friend Brandon that had a crush on me when I hooked up with HIS BEST FRIEND/MY EX? We’re even closer now then ever he’s always there for me even when I was going shit in March. He’s such a good friend I wouldn’t trade him for anything in this world. If I remember my ex haven’t made contact with Brandon since March as well. So weird how small this world really is, and how unfinished business always catches up to you in some way.

So yeah that’s was that. Then not even an hour of being home the neighbor kicked up more shit and my mom, sister, and neighbor was going at it. My mom was super upset too cussing and yelling. Me and everyone was trying to tell her to calm and to not let the neighbor upset her but my mom is stubborn and kept yelling. Then my mom and dad were at it. UGH…

Can anything go smoothly these days?

So yeah that’s been my day and I’m still doing the meme but I wanted to update about this.

Take care!

Okay lets do this (meme time)

Comment and I'll tell you 7 things~

1. Respond with something random about you.

2. Tell you which color you remind me of.

3. Tell you my first memory of you.

4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.

5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.

6. Tell you my favorite thing about you.

7. Tell you my least favorite thing about you.

8. Challenge you to post this on your journal

It was about time huh? XD

Feeling better :)

Hey everybody!

I’m feeling better today and wanted to express my thanks for everyone’s comments, concern, and advice. I appreciate it deeply since I wasn’t in a very happy place at the time. It’s good to know that I have sweet and caring friends here. *hugs you all so epically*

In the pass few days I was feeling a bit burned out by being on the computer so much. I was in a bit of a rut so I kept myself off the computer and working on it. It helps to ease my mind off of things that I’m trying to get done like my blogger page. I’m working on the design of it for my Candy Sanctuary Blog. I wanted to be very sweet with lots of pastels colors with a random girl on it. I got some of it done but I have a long way to go.

I have a way to stress myself out a bit when it comes to work. Not just any kind of work, but when it’s the candy sanctuary related. I’m always in a rush in a way, like things have to be done at the end of the day when it doesn’t. It’s not going any where and I don’t have any deadlines to fill. It’s all on my time and I need to release a lot of the stresses I’m putting on my stuff with it so I can enjoy it more.

What really helps when I’m on my “down time” on the net is going outside in the sun and bumming around. I have to find something minor and get into my 10 year old mind set and enjoy life with out worrying about stuff. That really helps me get back into the mood with everything. I went to the market today with my sister and her boyfriend. That little bit of time outside of the house really helped (that and having food in the house). I feel creative again and ready to get things done. I wasn’t doing much on anything, commenting, relying, or posting. I just didn’t have the energy for it when I really wanted to. Luckily I’m getting to know my work patterns more so I can make a schedule for myself.

I also want to learn how to drive. I didn’t want to before at all but in recent weeks or even a few days ago I wanted to learn. I also want to take steps to possibly moving out. I’m just so sick of the neighbor situation and the situation with the house that I think it’s better to move out. That’s all I’ve been day dreaming about lately too haha. The things I would have in my house, the food I would buy and other stuff. I’m hoping that things get better before I make a serious commitment to it though. In the mean time I just want to take steps into being more independent.

Oh and I finally picked the winner for the Otaku Battle Royale contest!

The first prize winner is chel the bell. I really love her story like description and her unique powers. Not to mention the design of the character that fights for her. Chel wants me to draw her character in OBR and I’m like OH HELLS YEAH DUDE.

Second prize goes to FUNimation: I really enjoyed her super huge and vivid description about her entry. The kingdom hearts inspired design was also a plus because I know she enjoys the video game, and it’s nice to see that twist on her self as an otaku fighter.

Lastly the 3nd prize goes to: http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/335035/otaku_battle_royal%3A_theblackerspot/for her amazing movie poster like picture and the awesome power that she has. I was super impressed when I first saw the entry and still is.

There were tons to pictures that I loved too but I’ll post about those next time since it’s already long as it is. Thanks again everyone and take care!