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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

NYAF entry, Yumeiro Patissiere, and birthdays


My contest entry is taking so much time. I’ve been on the computer just about non-stop working on it or browsing the nets/taking breaks … I haven’t worked on a picture so hard before. Don’t get me wrong I’m still enjoying/content with working on it but “I want to get this done” mindset is sipping deep inside now. Both of the character’s line art is done and complete this morning. Now I’m working on the background. I’m 90% done that color and all. Now I need to color in the characters/ make platform that are sitting on. It shouldn’t take too long since its going to be soft cell shaded but still, I want this done soo bad so I can go on with my life. D: It feels like I’m working on a super huge project in school and I’ll be free once I’m done. Besides all that the entry is going REALLY well. I love how it’s coming along and how it’s looking.

I’ve been looking at the NYAF challenge entries and there are some that are actually pretty good. Other entries I honesty thought “why the hell did you even enter?” if your going to submit blurry Photoshop doodles at least put SOME effort into it or not enter at all. I mean this is not a regular challenge that someone made where anything goes. This is a real contest where real people that are in the business will be judging your entry. If your not going to bring your all GTFO please. Then again it only makes the good entries look better. I don’t know, just throwing my thoughts out there. I just can’t wait to get mines out there though. When I see another new entry I go... “They don’t see the storm coming… Oh yeah … The storm is coming full force”. My entry is going to blow socks off. I mean it better since I’ve been working on it for almost 2 weeks? I JUST had been working on it day to day since the weekend or so.

Other then working on my entry more of my packages have been coming in this week! My beads and crystals came in the last two days. Both are so cute and tiny, perfect for my little cakes and sweets. Once I’m done with the contest I’ll go back into my business finally. I got a lot left to do and I need to market much more. One thing I’m glad about joining the contest is that I’m getting much faster in SAI and making line arts are a breeze. So when I make characters I don’t have to fret about how long the line art is going take.

This reminds me, I did the cutest chibi of my Macaroon Lolita last night. It was a face on pose so I had the chance to go “WTF was I thinking when I design her outfit before”. XD Even though the outfit was really random it like it a lot. I was thinking that maybe she could be my shop’s mascot but she doesn’t fit exactly. I need a character that’s a little more edgy. In any case she’s so damn cute she’ll probably be a regular in my character drawings. X3

Last subject for the day… I have a new favorite show that I actually make an effort to watch. I didn’t have a show since shugo chara and it sucks ass now so I needed a new one. And now I found it.. Yumerio Patissiere FTW baby. I loved this show since the beginning. It’s about a girl that finds her dream about being pastry chef and gets transferred to a high-class sweets making school. There’s like 80% missing form my “explanation” of what the show is about so I would suggest clicking on the link. XD But the point is that I’m so in love with the show and I get so many ideas for my fake sweets now! It’s like endless inspiration since you see really good looking cakes and stuff every episode. Not to mention the sweets spirits that hangs around her. I want to steal them and hide them in my dusty room then serve them tea. @W@

Don’t be surprised if you see fan art of it in the future… Or sweets/café inspired things… >3<

NUGHHH, my birthday is tomorrow and I have no clue what to do with myself… I want to go to the mall spoil myself at hot topic and ice cream shops. FFFF I need more real life friend/s so I can get out more since I’m such a loner/hermit. >_> Then again people are so crazy that I don’t want to be bothered…. WHERE’S THAT INVENTION WHERE YOU CAN MAKE PERFECT FRIENDS/PARTNERS. I WANT A CAT EAR BOY BFF DAMNIT. >BC

*ends whining*

Christ, sorry I plagued you guys with a long and non-informational post. I’ll be good next time guys, I promise… So what’s up with you guys? CB

Oh and congrats for Angel Zakuro for being featured for her FF wall! (hugs)


Good afternoon my lovelies!

If you haven’t already take a look at my latest atc card “Heart Break Mode”. Its my current favorite and thanks to the people how already commented, hugged, and faved it!

I’ve been practicing hard for my NYAF contest entry. I picked out a basic picture that I liked about two days ago. It has two mascots instead of one which I like. The biggest problem I had with it was the boy one. I wanted him to lean forward sketching but the pose was way out of my league. I want the anatomy to look right so when it came to positioning his arms and hands it was a hot mess. I did the pose in the mirror to get a better understanding of it and even if I could reproduce the pose, it looks unattractive. The body itself is super curled up and the position of the arms made it hard for me to even apply it to my own style. So I axed that pose idea and came up with a better suited one. Then today I did the girl’s position and I had tough time finding an equally good pose for her. After messing around I got what I originally wanted. She’ll be holding a pencil and paper looking all cute and what not. Since I didn’t want the boy to look out of place I’ll add a paint brush in his pose. I took a look at my sketches of both the mascots and I’m really enjoying what how it looks so far!

This contest is really bringing something out of me that I wanted for the longest time. Some hard core dedication, practice, and determination! I can even see how practicing anatomy is really kicking in my drawings. The same mistakes I’ve been having for years I can fix and know why it’s incorrect in the first place. It really makes me proud of myself that I can really put my heart and soul into something then see the results come about bit by bit. It’s also giving me insight on how I should go about all my serious pictures. I should look at the poses I want to draw for it. See how others drew about the same concept and get inspired. Seek help about the things I don’t know how to draw and etc. It’s just amazing… Because of this I might look into more art contests in the future.

My remaining packages haven’t come in yet. This is kind of reliving because I haven’t been making charms lately. I wanted to make a lot of donuts, cakes, and other things so when my supplies come I can just attach things together and etc. But I’ve been kinda lazy in that department. Then I use my drawing table for charm making so I always have to clean something up and make room. So it can be hard to just get up and start making stuff.

With that said I’ve have been thinking over about teaching some basic things about charm making and deco den. Like a series of tutorials of sorts. I know it will make people come to my blog and it’s good for getting myself out there. I see others do it with pretty good results if they keep up with it. Another thing I need to do with all my accounts like facebook and twitter. XD

Lastly I want to do is feature my friends art! I think it’s good to feature other artists since it gives a better chance for other unknown artists to get notice for their work. I’m not sure now many times I’ll do them but I’ll make sure I do them once in a while. Since this one will be my first “friendly feature” I’ll dedicate the whole post to my friends who want to be featured! I’ll pick my favorite pictures from you and say what I like most about them and you.

So if you want to be featured just comment below and I’ll showcase your art! :D

Oh yeah, I’m glad to see a feature fandom of a person I actually know! The comic is pretty cute even though I didn’t get it at first. XD

Have a good evening everyone!

I'm going to enter the NWAF contest! >:D

Hiya folks!

Advertisement time starts now…

My clay Coffee cakes, atc card, and Blog post!

Advertisement time ends now…

GAH, why in the world is it so hot. It’s been hot all weekend and I hate it. Today was really sucky because of the humidity. I and humidity had massive beef since I knew what it was. It can be as hot as it wants but when humidity is in the mix I’m pretty much down. I hate doing anything in this kind of weather but lying down and drinking something cold. Which is weird because right now I want some coffee… :| So how is everyone’s weather?

I haven’t been commenting a lot the pass weekend too. It’s been so hot that I simply don’t feel like it much. I haven’t been commenting on the front page pictures either. Most of them I really didn’t care for but even the few I did like I didn’t comment on. I’ve probably make up for lost time tomorrow morning.

I’ve been concerned about my drawing lately. Basically trying to do new things and pushing myself further in my art. Like better coloring, composition, poses, angles, and etc. I just feel like I’m not trying as hard as I should. I know that pushing myself all the time really kills my creativity in the long run since I can get stressed out. At the same time I need to take at least an hour or so out of my day for pure practice. Not trying to create the perfect picture but simply playing around and experimenting. I know that really brings out the best in me and makes me feel good about my skills. When I’m not drawing I usually pay attention to what’s around me. Like how lighting, shadowing, perspective, and how human anatomy works. Whenever I have the chance I would challenge myself and examine my target and see WHY the shadowing is the way it is, or why does it look like it does in a certain perspective. It helps too when I reinforce it with some practice doodles.

On another artist note I’m going to enter the anime fest mascot contest. I wanted to enter last year but I was in school and I wasn’t up for it at all. But this year it’s going to be completely different. I want to enter the contest with something dynamitic, cool, and just plain awesome. I want to pull out all the stops and pour every creative juice out of my body for it. Even though I’m really pumped for it, I honesty don’t know what my chances are with winning this contest is. I only know two previous entries that won. One was a cute chibi hold one of New York’s famous buildings. The picture itself wasn’t great at all to me, it was really plain but cute. The other entry was saiyukiluver’s and it was WAY better then the last entry that won. Hell, I looked at the other entries and it was one of the best in last years contest. At the same time it has me a bit (or a lot).

I don’t know what they are looking for. Do they want something different, crazy, or sorta generic, I don’t know. I wish I had some idea of what it is. I do have a few ideas of pictures that I like but that alone is not that reassuring. Something else that’s really eating at me is my style compared to other artists. I love my style but let’s face it, it doesn’t sell itself. It doesn’t have that generic mass appeal affect. I can work on a picture for days and get an average of 10 hugs (or a bit more depending on other factors) compared to another artist that can make a 10 minute sketch and it hits the top in no time. I won’t lie and say I don’t care at all but the point I want to get out there is this…


And I don’t want no younger, hipper, more crowd pleasing artist’s style to snatch that under me (fire eyes). If half the site likes the artist’s work I’m sure it will be nice eye candy to some random people judging a mascot contest. And yes I’m a competitive person despite my laid back attitude. I have no clue why that is either, it’s just weird. If I feel like I need to achieve something and get ahead, my brain instantly starts turning to think of way I can get there. Fast and effective but nothing to tear no one down either, if I’m going to get to the top I’m going to do it on my terms. But getting back to the point I don’t want someone typical to win. Then I will just feel like I entered for nothing because another entry was an instant win. If I’m going to enter anything I want it to be worth it even if I don’t win. But god if I did that would just awesome *__*… My work plastered on everything, tickets to an anime convention, and 50 mangas that I have no clue to put at.

EEEEE I don’t care about my insecurities or my fears, I’m going to enter that damn contest and do my very best. And at the event a typical art piece does win I’ll just sulk and bitch about it here. >:D


Mom rant and new ATC

Aye guyssss…

Nothing much here, a lot of my supplies is coming in so if you want to hear about that hit up my Candy Sanctuary world.

I made a new ATC last night and I love it. I don’t think I want to trade it XD. It’s the same character as my last picture holding a paint brush. Crap, which reminds me that I need to post my cards and my clay cakes… I think I’ll do that later. Oh yeah! Unknown Rumors made a club for ATCs so go check it out and be super cool like the rest of us.

Last night was super awesome. While I was working on my newest card my drunken mother insisted on BLASTING her music to the high heavens down stairs. My dad brought over his big ass sound system last year and decided to keep it in our house. YOU GUYS DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT TO GET A MATCH AND BURN THE SOB. I hate the piece of crap because all it’s used for is to blast shitty rap and R&B music. Not to mention it has all the fancy buttons and knobs so if you want to simulate an earthquake you’re going to have some ear drum busting fun. The thing that pisses me off is that when my mom drinks she becomes a big 10 year old. Selfish, needy, annoying, cold person that I can say I hate a lot. No aggregation here, I really do hate her when she drinks. :| She’s fine when she’s sober but wtf, she drinks everyday if there’s any alcohol in the house. She doesn’t go to work drunk or anything like that but any other time she at least drinks beer and it pisses me off. I can’t stand her, it’s like her aura aggregates my soul and I become a very pissy person. I told her about this a few times but it never leads to anything. Especially since she’s older and I’m concerned about her health. She tried to quit twice but she was back on it within 2 months. So much for that…

And to amp up the crap meter is when she HAVE to listen to HER music. She has to listen to it extra fucking loud and through half the night. I’m telling you no lie when I say this “I want to bash my head in till blood comes out my ears”. Not only to I have to deal with her but I have to deal with loud music that I hate. It doesn’t even have to be music I hate. I can like the song but annoyed at the fact that it feels like my head is going to explode because of everything that’s going on. My mom screaming and yelling enjoying her self, my sister trying to converse with her by more yelling since the music is so loud and my dad doing the same sometimes. Then it’s me wanting to burn down the house and murder the family because I’m so uncomfortable.

I know my mom works hard so when she drinks and stuff I don’t bitch. It’s her house she pays the bill and all that bull. BUT LAST NIGHT WAS SO UNCALLED FOR. Everything was vibrating to the music that was playing downstairs. They kept turning it up and even my sister was playing her system at the same time last night. The walls in the house are as good as printer paper so I can hear that shit too. Words can’t describe the hatred that harbored in my soul last night. Being kept up but constant loud music trying to focus on what I was doing made me want to cut wires and throats. I tried to drown it out with playing my own music but I can’t take the volume but so much. I use to love playing my music really loud years ago but I can’t take it anymore and it’s annoying in general.


Sorry about this rant about my mom and my god awful night. I just need to vent because its healthy and if I don’t I’ll choke a baby in my sleep. The one good thing that did come out of it was my new ATC card and the fact that I know how to blend colors with copic markers. I’m so in love with them and every time I use them I learn more about how to apply colors, shading, and lighting.

I wanted to say more that was non angry but this post is way too long already. I’ll post again in a day or two.

P.S- I officially renamed “feature fandom” to “feature fuck up” because its funny and true these days...
I’m done now. XD

I hurt people in my sleep...

How’s everyone’s morning? It’s the weekend so everyone must be sleeping or relaxing haha.

I completely forgot to mention that I brought pokemon soul sliver on Thursday! The last pokemon game I ever played was the original silver, but some jerk off stole it. After that I didn’t even bother with the other game after it (or was too broke to buy it). Though, when someone steals your pokemon game, you kind of lose the drive to be a pokemon master. : Doesn’t matter now because I’m coming out of retirement and ready to kick some 10 year old ass! >:D

Besides that, I made more orders for my craft business. There’s a link to it in my candy sanctuary world if you’re interested in reading about it. I’ve been jotting down some pretty good ideas about what I want to make. One of the things I really want to make is some realistic cupcakes. But I had a pretty interesting idea about the paper cup it’s in. I was thinking if I could possibly make my own? I can get some fancy scrapbook paper and border cutters so I can make my own paper cups! I drew down a pattern and tried it out with some flimsy printer paper. To my surprise it worked like a charm! I’m so excited to really try it out with real scrapbook paper but I will have to go up to Michaels to get some. That and some border cutters which can be really expensive. D: I hope they have a sell on that stuff soon.

I’ve been commenting a lot lately which is really nice! I also notice that I’m not playing FF13 nonstop to distract myself from my negative thoughts. It’s great to feel “normal” again. I felt like I was wasting away on the coach playing video games all day. To make it worst, time just flew by. It’s like someone started messing with the flow of time or something. I felt bad because there were so many things I want/need to do, but I wasn’t up to it. Luckily that state of mind didn’t last long and now I’m focus on my wants and needs again.

I explained this on my blog but I’ll say it here too, I’m in the middle of a new line art! It’s called “love is for suckers” I probably don’t have to explain the meaning behind it XD. I love the way its coming out! I had a tough time thinking up a good outfit for myself in the picture, but after a few tries I got something I really like! I should have it done today and posted.

I think that’s all for today. I’m tired of typing and I want to get started on the lineart again.

Oh yeah, today I woke up swinging my arm up trying to slap someone in a dream. XD I was under the covers so when I did that a flood of light came rushing in my eyes… AWESOME. That’s the second time of my life I acted out physically in a dream. The last time was when I was in elementary school. I was punching a girl I hated in a dream and woke up punching my pillow. XD

Yeah, I’m part psycho. D:<