Seen a Waffle Lurking About theOtaku Lately?

Never Fear! For This Waffle is Here to

Soothe the Wounded Soul.

| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |

My Boyfriend Riku/358/2 Rant

So yeah, Riku's looking pretty sharp on the 'ye old DS. Seriously, not minding my impromptu relationship with him anymore.

Wallpaper Rant

I'm just going to put this out there. If I see a wallpaper up on theOtaku, and I know you didn't make it, you just took some picture off deviantart and stretched it out which made it overly pixelized, I'm going to go out of my everloving way to get it taken down.

Just saying.


So after two wooooooooonderful years -cough- I finally have over 100 comments! As in, I've actually cared about...100 things? Bwha ha ha, oh the power is going right to my head. So Mr. Adam, Bossman, Dude Obsessed with Cupcakes, when's that extra + coming around, cause sorry, I can't draw for shit. Not to mention I have like... zero motivation what-so-ever, and all of that zero is going to appeasing my crazy fanfiction fans.

They're a poor obsessed group, most of which forget I exist, then are rudely awakened to the fact that I do...only to go through four more months of agony until I get my lazy butt up and update again.

I love them, truly I do...

Also, the new feature on (okay, possibly just new to me...) Is so kickass! It tells you where people come from who have clicked on your stuff. I've had Bulgarians read my crap! How kickass is that?! Not to mention a host of other people from South America, Asia, and Europe. No Africa yet...but by golly I'll snag one or two by the time I'm done!

Sorry...this was a rant about 100+ comments. I'm waiting Adam... I'm waiting...

-cues the creepy trombones-

College Post

So today was my first day of classes. It was okay, I had math class, so it couldn't have been too good. Tomorrow I attempt to get into some nutrition class and I have English 101. Hopefully I get in tomorrow and all that other good stuff. My dad called just to tell me I'd better get in, and was pretty much a jerk. Yeah... Its like, if I don't get in I don't get in, and if I don't I'll just have to take a course or two at comunity college, which kinda sorta beats working.

Ah well, its way to early to be thinking about all of that. Though it does look like I'll be home for labor day! Which is pretty kickass, and I already have a few activites lined up. Hopefully I'll get in and that'll be the end of that.

Oh yeah, 3,000 page views! Whoo hoo!

Also, working real hard on 'Worth It' chapter 9, and I'm even thinking I'll be hosting a chat event for it either here on theO or on MSN. We'll just have to see how it all pans out.

Loss of Series Rant

So...yeah. Why have all my favorite series just come to an end? First there was Harry Potter, my biggest fandom of all time; then InuYasha ended, my first manga ever; and then Avatar ended, and I cried like a baby; and now the Twilight Saga is over!

How will I waste my time now? Sure, I'm into other things, but all of those were pretty major for me. Like, Harry Potter was my life and Twilight's a good read the first time around (not so much the second) but definitely was something to look forward to every summer. Ugh, I guess I'll just be stuck with movies for the next couple of years until I find another series to imerse myself in.

I'd have to kill myself if Kingdom Hearts looked like it was gonna end anytime soon... Seriously, how much 'death' can one fangirl take in a year?

On a funnier note...

Creepy Katara Strikes Again!