
Title Psychopath (Grand Otaku)
Birthday 01/13/95
Member Since 05/01/11
Guestbook 586 signatures
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Gifts Blue Latte: Happy Halloweeeennn!! <3 Blue Latte: Happy Halloweeeennn!! <3 ElementalNinja: Thank You For Everything <3 JanetChan: I wuv you Shiro-Chaaaaaan <33 : Congrats on the promotion. =) LightFykki: Happy Valentine's day Winty-chan! ^__^ Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 U ;) AmberTears: Happy Valentine's Day! : Happy Belated Birthday! vampirehitsugaya: Happy Belated Birthday! (=^.^=) RayMan87: Happy Birthday ! ^^ X MAGE X: Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one! :D Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy Birthday (Belated, sorry) 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! =^D Sarasface: Happy birthday! ElementalNinja: Happy Birthday! <3 fuko chan: happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!! teapartyprincess: happy birthday ^^ Rainbow Dragon: HappyB-day Kura!Judai loves u! ItachiSasuke: Happy Birthday! Best wishes to you~ =D beloved blood: Hope you like cake� : Happy Birthday! Have a Great one! ^^ Karisan: Wish you a really Happy Birthday!!^^ Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday!! SaxGirl: Happy birthday!^____^ *hugs* ElementalNinja: Merry Christmas! <3 kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! Rainbow Dragon: Thanks for being my friend.Love u~Judai Sakaira: A gift for you~ JanetChan: <333333333333 Kailith: Happy Halloween! : I love you, too. <333 xNotUnderstood: I've missed you too Rainbow Dragon: Cookie for Yami Bakura from Judai<3 Rainbow Dragon: 1more random gift for being sweet:Judai Rainbow Dragon: Random gift for Yami Bakura from Judai Morbid Dollie: Skinny Tennyson. Whatever that means.lol Rainbow Dragon: Ramen 4 EPIC wallie artist~Klassic Morbid Dollie: I find you a little crazy Morbid Dollie: Um....Ok? xDD Morbid Dollie: And? xD ElementalNinja: Cookie for you! <3 Morbid Dollie: Terra~ beloved blood: Thanks for entering my challenge!! [: Morbid Dollie: Play.....>__< Morbid Dollie: Get off the laptop and play already! EcardBeast12: Thanxx for helping ItachiSasuke: Random gift~ Because you're amazing! :D ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your promotion~! ^__^ Morbid Dollie: Congrats on the promotion!!! : You are amazing- and loved <3 : Thank you for the support. <3 Morbid Dollie: GENEBEAN ElementalNinja: Thank you. We'll carry on together. Morbid Dollie: Gift : ITS A COOKIE..I BIT IT..DEAL WITH IT 21Emmz12: You're Welcomeeeeee 8D Morbid Dollie: Cause I can ;P Rainbow Dragon: Gift for you! thanks for being awesome! AmberTears: Happy Easter!!! DistantStar: Happy Easter AMAZING PERSON! :) Morbid Dollie: Happy Easter!!!! Rainbow Dragon: Ice cream for you for being awesome! ItachiSasuke: Happy Easter My Friend~<3   <(^__^)> kisskiss-bangbang: Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine : Thanks for the bday wishes~ : Horror entities visited & sent u this ax JanetChan: I lurves you, Shiro-Chan! <3 Morbid Dollie: Right. Back. At. Ya. beloved blood: Happy V-Day, yo! *throws roses* Angel Zakuro: Happy valentine's day. :) ReiKiba: Happy Valentine's Day, Ciel! <3 fma17: Happy Valentine's Day ;) Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day Morbid Dollie: Happy Valentine's Day partner! Butterflykiss: Happy Valentine's day Roxas! Rainbow Dragon: Happy l8 b-day! Hope it was great for u kamichama karin s: happy *late* birthday!! ^-^ fma17: HAPPY *Belated* BIRTHDAY! :) X MAGE X: Happy Birthday! :D lilyliod: i whish you a happy birthday!!! Angel Satina: Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND!^w^ reichiinya: Happy Birthday! beloved blood: Happy birthday, dear lion <3~!!! XD 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D Amestar: Happy Birthday Lion! Hulaberry32: Happy birthday, girl! Blue Latte: Happy Birthday!! PandoraxHearts: Happy Birthday!! cannon21: Happy Birthday Sarasface: Happy birthday! Miracle Star19: HAPPEH BIRTHDAY!!! Hikari777Yami: happy birthday!!^^ catsworld: Happy Birthday~~~ =^^= teapartyprincess: happy birthday! :3 NeKo MoonShine: Happy Birthday...to you |D Hope it's gr8 Dark Flame 3479: Happy Birthday! aizome: Happy Birthday, nee~ *hugs* ElementalNinja: Happy Birthday!~ <3 : Happy birthday. ^^ : Happy Birthday :D AmberTears: Happy Birthday! ^^ Darkarax: Happy Birthday.  :) MangaKid: Happy B-day! Hav a good one^^ Butterflykiss: happy birthday sis! I love chuu~ ^3^ Agasshi : ~Happy Birthday~ ReiKiba: Happy Birthday dear! XD LightFykki: Happy birthday!!! Have a great one! ^__^ envythejealous: Happy Birthday! :) SolemnSerpent: Happy B-Day! Here's a cookie. ;D SaxGirl: Happy birthday Lion-chan!^^ *hugs* Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday!! Karisan: Wish U a very Happy Birthday!!!^^ Karisan: Wishin U a very Happy New Year!!!^^ Gravity4Ever: Thank -->Y-O-U<--for the sub^^ X MAGE X: Thanks so much for the sub! :D Satina: Happy New Year dear!! ^o^ -Angelic Smile : Thanks for the sub :3 Crimson Buu: Thanks for the sub ^^ Ja ne greenLeAfe: Thanks for the sub<3 JanetChan: No, YOU DA BEST!!! Blue Latte: Merry Christmas!! :D SolemnSerpent: //sprinkles you with Christmas cheer fma17: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! : Merry Decorated Dead Tree Day! :D NeKo MoonShine: Merry Christmas~ :3 and happy new year! Butterflykiss: Merry Christmas sis! : Merry Christmas! ^_^ Ritona: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Angel Satina: Merry Christmas dear friend!! ^_^"hugs" KyanChan: Get Well Soon!!! From KyanChan :3 Sarasface: Get well soon! TwinkLes: Feel better, hun! Darkarax: Get Well Soon :) AmberTears: Hope you feel better soon! Love you! Karisan: Hope U get over that nasty virus soon!! DistantStar: that just eat bamboo and are FLUFFA! DistantStar: cool they're like the unracists dudes DistantStar: Annnnnnd a panda bear..man pandas are so DistantStar: Here's some bunnies to cheer you up :) DistantStar: I HOPE THAT YOU GWET BETTER SOON! hetcheywerewolf: thanks 4 the sub :D!!! Sarasface: Happy Thanksgiving! : Happy Gobble Monster~ AmberTears: Happy Halloween! Kaerlyn: smiley pumpkin! : Have a great halloween~ <3 Ritona: Happy Halloween~ :) josephine12cute: Thanks for entering 'Within Borders' :"> josephine12cute: Thanks for entering 'Within Borders' :"> josephine12cute: Thanks for entering 'Within Borders' :"> josephine12cute: Thanks for entering 'Within Borders' :"> : Just thinkin about you again. ^_^ Vivianlove: Love for October <3 : Cause I thinkin about U XD : Have a bottle o' potions! kisskiss-bangbang: I MISSED YOU TOOS! have a chick! : Ohhh Ramen!! xDD : Cake AND ice cream!! : Cookies are yummy!! : And it's a kitty! kamichama karin s: wow, thanks so much for the sub!^^ <3 : thanks for the sub! :D kisskiss-bangbang: You wanna me to give it back? Sarasface: Yay for still being alive! Sarasface: You're welcome! Sarasface: Random gift attack! Have a cookie! Sarasface: Thanks  for card. You're a great friend! cheriepy: Thankies~ SaxGirl: Thanks for entering my challenge!^^ : Smile, okay? ;) beloved blood: XDD, lurv your new persona, then!!<3~ envythejealous: Thanks for the gift! :D Blue Latte: Thank you!! X3 : Victory & ty gift: A sword of bravery~ beloved blood: Thanks for the subs, dude!! :D : YOU'RE AN EPIC SPAMMER. : A War Hammer! Haha! Use it well~-w- inufluffy12: *huggles* <3 Row76: The cupcake :D ReiKiba: Aww! *hugs* Lizzie loves you too! xD HelloKatty: Because I loves you bunches! alexea arescia: Congratulations!May members promotion : :) kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! ^^ yuuki fiedell: congrats for the promotion! <33333 TheDarkAngel: Thanks for the sub~! Let's be friends~! ItachiSasuke: Congrats on the promotion! ^_^ fma17: Congrats on the promotion :D Amestar: Cheer up :D CharlesGAMEsbirro: thanks for subbing! ^_^ LightFykki: Here's a panda, cause they are awesom xD yuuki fiedell: cookies~~  <33333 yuuki fiedell: subs back!~~ =^__^= yuuki fiedell: thank you for the subs! ^_~ yuyufreak: thanks for subbing me! : For the Kodona at heart! ^  ^ : Cute,kind,sweet~ you! just like a cherry : This Rose Symbolizes Nothing. diamond9393anda: Thanks for entering 'trice' :P diamond9393anda: Thanks for entering my challenge twice^^ diamond9393anda: Thank you for entering my challenge ^^ : I loves you~ :D LightFykki: For a very dear friend!! :)) : no,thank you! and for the heart too   <3 : thanks for being my friend *^-^* ReiKiba: *hugs* BFF xD TwinkLes: Second place contest winner XD saki 1234: Thank you for the sub!~ fma17: Aw thanks but I think you are awesomerXD fma17: You are so sweet and awesome! <3 JanetChan: To my lovable shiro-chan! >_< Felcie: Thanks for the sub =3 JanetChan: Toooo JanetChan: You JanetChan: Wuv JanetChan: I JanetChan: Worry JanetChan: Dont JanetChan: Captain? JanetChan: I JanetChan: Or JanetChan: Chan JanetChan: Shiro JanetChan: Better JanetChan: Your JanetChan: Hope JanetChan: Side. JanetChan: Your JanetChan: At JanetChan: Be JanetChan: Always JanetChan: Still JanetChan: I'll JanetChan: Anything... JanetChan: Mean JanetChan: Doesn't JanetChan: You JanetChan: At JanetChan: At JanetChan: Mad JanetChan: I'm JanetChan: Cuz JanetChan: Just JanetChan: But JanetChan: Chan JanetChan: Shiro JanetChan: Meanie JanetChan: You JanetChan: At JanetChan: Mad JanetChan: Very JanetChan: I'm : Cause pie is good XD Morbid Dollie: Harggle~~~~ ItachiSasuke: Thanks so much for the sub! ^_^ Blue Latte: Share some love <3 Ritona: Can't wait to see your new portfolio! :) SaxGirl: Welcome back!^^ *huggles* LightFykki: WELCOME BACK and that you never go! :) LightFykki: With this pencil I am writing in book... LightFykki: So at the end you will make it, I know! LightFykki: And your sister too! You are skilled.... LightFykki: But you have supporting friends here LightFykki: I am so sorry that it had to happen..... Morbid Dollie: More pie!!!! Morbid Dollie: PIE! Morbid Dollie: Witch hats look coolio~ Morbid Dollie: Pumpkin Morbid Dollie: Pumpkin Morbid Dollie: Pumpkin Morbid Dollie: And pocky~~ Morbid Dollie: Eat some more ramen. Morbid Dollie: Another weapon. That's comforting. Morbid Dollie: Sword! How cool is that!? xD Morbid Dollie: A potion~ Morbid Dollie: More sushi Morbid Dollie: Sushi. Enjoy. Morbid Dollie: Strawberry~~ Morbid Dollie: A clover. They're green. Like aliens. Morbid Dollie: So enjoy Morbid Dollie: But hey, who's complaining? Morbid Dollie: Sadist! Morbid Dollie: Hahahaha XD Morbid Dollie: With your axes! Morbid Dollie: Lots of them! Morbid Dollie: Chop off some heads! Morbid Dollie: Bricks can hurt, so enjoy Morbid Dollie: For your Halloween luv Morbid Dollie: Now it's Pocky. I fail. Morbid Dollie: Pocky! Morbid Dollie: Pocky! Morbid Dollie: Cherries. Yummy. Morbid Dollie: Piggles Morbid Dollie: Piggles Morbid Dollie: Egg! Morbid Dollie: Chocolate bunny! Morbid Dollie: A whip. They're cool. Morbid Dollie: Cookie that has been eated Morbid Dollie: Cause yours are organized looking xD Morbid Dollie: Random gift time Morbid Dollie: And even MORE~~~ Morbid Dollie: And more~~ Morbid Dollie: And more~~ Morbid Dollie: So, have some Morbid Dollie: Ice cream will help that, too Morbid Dollie: Skinny Tennyson! Morbid Dollie: Eat them, you're too skinny Morbid Dollie: So, cupcakes ftw xD Morbid Dollie: And possibly chocolate Morbid Dollie: They're sweet Morbid Dollie: Cupcakes taste better Morbid Dollie: Tasty they are Morbid Dollie: Yellow they are Morbid Dollie: Nomable they are Morbid Dollie: Wooples for them Morbid Dollie: Woo for bananas Morbid Dollie: Cause you need potassium xD Morbid Dollie: So, have some bananas Morbid Dollie: With roses *romantiiic* Morbid Dollie: I'm sure Linku will help his banana-chan Morbid Dollie: Back up Morbid Dollie: Back up Morbid Dollie: But I'm trying to help you build gifts Morbid Dollie: I'm running out of things to say  xD Morbid Dollie: Pandas are cute too Morbid Dollie: And funny looking Morbid Dollie: Cause it's cute~ Morbid Dollie: For the love of chocolate~ Morbid Dollie: For your love for Linku~ Morbid Dollie: For the Alien Love!! Morbid Dollie: For the Ben 10 Love! Morbid Dollie: Cake is yummeh Morbid Dollie: But I hope you like the cake xD Morbid Dollie: It's so messed up and stupid D: Morbid Dollie: I really hate this whole thing Morbid Dollie: I still feel guilty (out.of.character) Morbid Dollie: Flowers..... Morbid Dollie: More noodles xD Morbid Dollie: Ramen! Morbid Dollie: One gift HelloKatty: Because you are loved by me! <3
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Contestant - Challenge: We Can Do it! Contestant - Challenge:  my yujin, my [CHINGU.] Winner - Challenge: Kingdom Hearts- The Way to Dawn Creator - Relating to whom you hate? Contestant - Challenge: TYPOGRAPHY MADNESS Contestant - Challenge: Bats, Blood, and Vampires, oh my! Winner - Challenge: [Inner] Final Fantasy Contestant - Challenge: quote [CRAZI.] Contestant - Challenge: Water Challenge 1-Rain Contestant - Challenge: you know I\'m bad Contestant - Challenge: NO [class] Contestant - Challenge: No Face Contestant - Challenge: No Face Contestant - Challenge: No Face Contestant - Challenge: No Face Contestant - Challenge: No Face Contestant - Challenge: No Face Contestant - Challenge: Absolutely Adorable! Contestant - Challenge: Disney Princess Winner - Challenge: Inner Kingdom Hearts Contestant - Challenge: chibi e-card challenge Contestant - Challenge: Beautiful to me Contestant - Challenge: Fic It Out! Creator - W.T.F.? Contestant - Challenge: Hope For Japan Winner - Challenge: Oh! THE HORROR! Contestant - Challenge: TheOtaku Fan Art Contestant - Challenge: mad experiments Contestant - Challenge: OMG Kelly Clarkson Contestant - Challenge: Because I\'m stupid Contestant - Challenge: CLOSEUP Contestant - Challenge: The Legend of Zelda Contestant - Challenge: Religious Context Winner - Challenge: Glorius Gothic Winner - Challenge: KH/FF  Love Contestant - Challenge: Not all of it. Contestant - Challenge: Not all of it. Contestant - Challenge: Not all of it. Creator - Final Fantasy Contestant - Challenge: Challenge #1: Pride Contestant - Challenge: pattern inspiration. Contestant - Challenge: Pastries Contestant - Challenge: Simply Gothic Contestant - Challenge: Simply Gothic Contestant - Challenge: An Angel or a Demon? Contestant - Challenge: Smile, it’s the {apocalypse} Contestant - Challenge: Smile, it’s the {apocalypse} Creator - What do you think Contestant - Challenge: Pushing the limits Contestant - Challenge: Within Borders Contestant - Challenge: Within Borders Contestant - Challenge: Within Borders Contestant - Challenge: Within Borders Winner - Challenge: Why Hate? Contestant - Challenge: From the Font On.... Creator - what makes you think of? Winner - Challenge: ~Why do you love me?~ Contestant - Challenge: Twin cards Contestant - Challenge: Twin cards Contestant - Challenge: Toast Contestant - Challenge: First Verse Contestant - Challenge: First Verse Contestant - Challenge: First Verse Contestant - Challenge: First Verse Contestant - Challenge: First Verse Contestant - Challenge: First Verse Contestant - Challenge: It\'s not all Honey Contestant - Challenge: It\'s not all Honey Contestant - Challenge: It\'s not all Honey Creator - looney toons! Contestant - Challenge: Tell Me More Winner - Challenge: ~Our Troops~ Contestant - Challenge: Say my words, sing my song Contestant - Challenge: Magic in the Air Winner - Challenge: Show some love Contestant - Challenge: ~CLAMP tribute~ Creator - un-matching-backgrounds Winner - Challenge: ~Within Temptation~ Contestant - Challenge: EDITS EDITS EDITS. Contestant - Challenge: EDITS EDITS EDITS. Contestant - Challenge: 5- Roses Are ... Blue? Contestant - Challenge: Everyone has a { secret } Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Contestant - Challenge: Bad guys Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Winner - Challenge: Just for Laughs Contestant - Challenge: My eyes can\'t take it anymore!!!! Contestant - Challenge: Spread the Randomness!

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