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Enjoy the new banner!

The banner I made as part of my Digital Design final project (this class, and figure drawing class, and last 2 other general ed classes--yay!--are why I've been so inactive). I didn't get to take a picture of the physical portfolio we had to make, but I saved the files so I can just remake it quite easily and show you.

Will be uploading some art soon.

Thank you, C C C!!

When I saw this, I went emotional. C C C on went and did a fanart of Quinn and Kei. This had never happened to me before and I just kinda sat there, staring at it. Then when I turned my laptop around to show my boyfriend I burst into tears, I was so happy. It's really encouraged me to finish this as soon as possible, because there ARE people that want to read it. Recently I had been feeling like it was just taking me way too long and nobody was really paying attention or would be that interested in reading it. But this showed me that there are, and they're rooting me on. So thank you--first to CCC and second to everyone else who's keeping up with my LoveNote updates. Thank you all so very much!!

I posted this in the dA forum too. Advice?

I just started college and am determined to be in the graphic design field. I am working on a game with my boyfriend who is the programmer of the game(I do the graphics). Since we're partners in this, I'm not paid until the project is done and sells. I'm fine with this as it'll be something to add to a portfolio when I look for other jobs.

Which I did. I applied for a character designing job for a small company overseas--it'll be mostly computer and paypal-paid. I submitted samples of the work I'm doing for the other game. The response was polite praise and questions about how I should be paid. This is my first application to a job of this kind. I've read online of people charging $15-35 per hour starting out. I don't know if that seems too much to charge, but my brother who does 3D character commissions suggested I charge $25 per hour. Is it just me, or is that a bit much?

Besides payment advice, if you have any advice on this career please share your wisdom! =)

Graphic Design?

So, because I want to work in advertising I've decided to switch my major to Graphic Design next semester. If you work in that area or have taken classes that are in that major, could you give me some advice? Like, what should I expect, what are the classes like, what I would learn? Specifics, not generally. Even some of your experiences in the field would be great! =)

Just Another Slap in the Face

Sun Nov 1, 2009, 2:44 PM

* Mood: Vengeful

"Grow up." I hate that phrase. I find it ironic that when i finally get to make a decision that can really affect my life, I can't choose between limitless options. I just can't. It's like throwing a toddler that just learned how to walk into a marathon. It's pathetic--I'M pathetic. I lack motivation to do anything, and I know I can do it. I'm just too fucking lazy. I'm letting an inferiority complex get the best of me, I actually start expecting other people to help, when in the end it all comes down to what I think, and what I think alone, and what I do about it. And what I think just doesn't seem to click with what I know is the right thing to do. I'm a stupid little teenager that knows what to do and chooses not to do it. And why? Just because I'm lazy. It doesn't interest me at all. And I don't want to think that I'm one of those "regular" kids, when I might truly be one. A mediocre stereotypical 16 year old girl. Gross.

I don't go for education. I go for the experience. Probably the only motivation for even graduating and going to college is so that I can experience it all. Yeah, I appreciate what I learned along the way--but it doesn't interest me. Nothing interests me. My grades suffer because I'm a selfish brat and when I do try my best it doesn't even show. Probably the only way I can get better at something is to compete--but what good will it do if that person doesn't know that we're competing?

The only respect I receive is when I draw something, and even then it lasts a maximum of maybe 10 minutes. Drawing. That's all I can do. No matter how much I improve, it's not something my parents will be proud of. My friends would just look at it, have a few comments, then forget about it in the next 5 minutes. It's just something to amuse myself with.

I need to turn my life around. I'll show you. Being lazy may be something I can fix. Just watch. Fuck you, Calvin. Never compare me and that kid.