superstarpanou (Fan Art Portfolio) Satel, My Laptop

Satel, My Laptop
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This is for Sasukelover001's challenge: Your Computer as a Human!

This was a really fun and interesting challenge! I enjoyed drawing these kinds of themes a lot! Took away a bit of my sleep last night but that's okay. :D I wanted this to be a quick sketch and slight color because I don't have much time anymore, but I guess, as a perfectionist, that didn't go as planned. :P Haha! I'll try to work on that. :P

Anywho, on with the description of this hunk...

He's name is Satel, and he's a Toshiba Satellite A665 laptop. That's where I got his name. I was going to name him "Satoshi" (combo of Sa- and Toshi- :D Haha!), but I thought it wasn't a cool and original enough name, so I went with what I first thought up: Satel! :)

He has a lot of awesome manga, nice music, lots of pictures and photos, and my drawings old and new, hence the tablet pen resting on his ear. My laptop is all black and plain, so I thought I would stay in that color scheme and have his clothes black and plain also (It also creates a sense of balance to the whole picture with all the other details and stuff around ^_^).

He has slightly pink eyes, because my window border color is a slightly transparent pink ahaha...! Satel also has pupils the shape of the shutdown button. I think that's pretty neat. Have you noticed? That little shape of light on his cheek is the laptop touchpad. (Kyahh~~ I want to touch there!!) *shot*

You may be wondering what that girly and flowery cloth is, right? Well, it's actually an small, old curtain cloth my mom made a long, long time ago. It brings back a lot of childhood memories. I use that to cover and protect my laptop from dust and water when I'm not using my it (I think that's my favorite part of the drawing heh heh~).

Satel is sitting on my small table that my dad built for me. My laptop sits there almost all the time in my room. I rarely bring it to other places, so Satel is kind of confined at my house at the moment. :D

Used: SAI paint tool
Took up to about 3 hours ^_^

Personal Fan Art
challenge, laptop, panou, satel, your computer as a human
37 votes thumb
29 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Your Computer as a Human!
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