superstarpanou (Fan Art Portfolio) Panou's Favorite Manga Characters

Panou's Favorite Manga Characters
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For LawlietLover13's challenge, "Your favorite manga character?"

Agh... the texture of my sketch paper totally ruined my coloring~~! D:

From left to right:
Asuka and Masami-san, from the manga, Kingyo Sou. I love this manga cuz it's just so heartwarming and sad, and very unique, if I should say. It's not very dramatic too like most shoujo mangas, and I like the fact that it's more... realistic, when it comes to relationships.

Sanju, Nijuku, and Kuro from the manga, Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro. This manga is so sad, yet it still has a bit of silliness to go with it to make you smile. I think I got really choked up by the time I was reading the 2nd volume. I love that the drawings are so cute too. :D I can't wait til the rest of the volumes come out~~ D:

Zen and Shirayuki, from Akagami no Shirayukihime. Shirayuki is really calm and wise, and that's what I really like about her. She's not clingy and dramatic and clumsy like some annoying shoujo girls. And Zen is so sweet too... ^^ *happy sigh*

Kisara, from dear. I love this manga too, and the art is so elegant and adorable. I don't really like the main girl character, but I love the main guy, Kisara. <3 He's so sweet~~ Also, this manga has so much silliness and it makes me laugh. XD

Used: .5 lead pencil, Prismacolor and Crayola colored pencils, and Photoshop for finishing touches

Well, anywho, I hope you enjoy! I'll stop rambling now hahaha! :D

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
akagami no shirayukihime, asuka, colored pencils, dear, kingyo sou, kisara, kuro, manga, masami, nijuku, panou, sanju, shirayuki, shoulder a coffin kuro, shoulder-a-coffin kuro, zen
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